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Call Participants

Often in a video call, an app needs the ability to arrange and resize the video feeds of different participants on the screen to suit design needs. Customizing participant layouts is a simple but effective way to improve the quality and experience of video calls. It can help to improve focus and engagement, highlight key speakers or presenters, and accommodate the different needs of participants.

By default, the Flutter SDK for Stream Video displays a grid of participants in a call.

To create your own layout for the user participants instead, use the callParticipantsBuilder parameter of the StreamCallContent widget.

The default widget used is the StreamCallParticipants widget:

call: call,
callState: callState,
callParticipantsBuilder: (
BuildContext context,
Call call,
CallState callState,
) {
return StreamCallParticipants(
call: call,
participants: callState.callParticipants,

As a reminder, the StreamCallContent widget above can be supplied to the callContentBuilder parameter of the StreamCallContainer widget which manages most of the UI components related to a call.

If you need a fully custom widget, you can supply your own widget in place of StreamCallParticipants.

However, the StreamCallParticipants widget also allows you to customise quite a few things.

Change only participant grid elements

To change all participant video elements, you can use the callParticipantsBuilder parameter. This will be applied to all user video elements:

call: call,
callState: callState,
callParticipantsBuilder: (
BuildContext context,
Call call,
CallState callState,
) {
return StreamCallParticipants(
call: call,
participants: callState.callParticipants,
callParticipantBuilder: (
BuildContext context,
Call call,
CallParticipantState callState,
) {
// Build call participant video

Change local participant video

To only change the local participant video, use the localVideoParticipantBuilder parameter which only changes the local participant video stream:

call: call,
callState: callState,
callParticipantsBuilder: (
BuildContext context,
Call call,
CallState callState,
) {
return StreamCallParticipants(
call: call,
participants: callState.callParticipants,
localVideoParticipantBuilder: (
BuildContext context,
Call call,
CallParticipantState callState,
) {
// Build local participant video

Change screensharing view

If a user is screensharing, you can also customise the screensharing stream using the screenShareContentBuilder parameter:

call: call,
callState: callState,
callParticipantsBuilder: (
BuildContext context,
Call call,
CallState callState,
) {
return StreamCallParticipants(
call: call,
participants: callState.callParticipants,
screenShareContentBuilder: (
BuildContext context,
Call call,
CallParticipantState callState,
) {
// Build screensharing content view

Change grid layout

There are two grid layouts that stream_video_flutter supports at the moment: grid and spotlight.

You can change these via the layoutMode parameter:

call: call,
callState: callState,
callParticipantsBuilder: (
BuildContext context,
Call call,
CallState callState,
) {
return StreamCallParticipants(
call: call,
participants: callState.callParticipants,
layoutMode: ParticipantLayoutMode.spotlight,

Sort and filter participants

Sorting changes the order of participants on the grid while filtering selects participants to display according to the filters given.

call: call,
callState: callState,
callParticipantsBuilder: (
BuildContext context,
Call call,
CallState callState,
) {
return StreamCallParticipants(
call: call,
participants: callState.callParticipants,
filter: (participant) {
// returning true displays the participant while returning false does not
sort: (a, b) {
// Returning an integer > 0 sorts a higher than b
// Add sorting code here

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