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Participant Label

Stream's UI components provide a participant label, which displays participants' basic information, such as name, and the status of the microphone by default like the image below:

Participant Label

You can simply change the styles of the participant label by giving RegularVideoRendererStyle or ScreenSharingVideoRendererStyle to UI components, such as CallContent, ParticipantsGrid, and ParticipantVideo.

CallContent( // or ParticipantsGrid
style = RegularVideoRendererStyle(
isShowingParticipantLabel = true,
labelPosition = Alignment.TopStart

If you build the above styles, you will see the result below:

Participant Label


You can customize the participant label by implementing your own label composable function to the ParticipantVideo like the sample below:

modifier = Modifier.background(color = VideoTheme.colors.appBackground),
videoRenderer = { modifier, call, participant, style ->
modifier = modifier,
call = call,
participant = participant,
style = style,
labelContent = { participant ->
modifier = Modifier
Color.Black.copy(alpha = 0.5f),
.padding(horizontal = 12.dp, vertical = 6.dp)
) {
text = participant.initialUser.userNameOrId,
color = Color.White

If you build the example, you'll see the result below:

Participant Label

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