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Video Renderer

The video renderer is the most essential UI component in a video call screen, which renders participants in real-time. The most easiest way to style the video renderer is using VideoRendererStyle. VideoRendererStyle provides several properties to customize each component of the video renderer like the below:

  • isFocused: Represents whether the participant is focused or not.
  • isScreenSharing: Represents whether the video renderer is about screen sharing.
  • isShowingReactions: Represents whether display reaction comes from the call state.
  • isShowingParticipantLabel: Represents whether display the participant label that contains the name and microphone status of a participant.
  • isShowingConnectionQualityIndicator: Represents whether displays the connection quality indicator.
  • labelPosition: The position of the participant label that contains the name and microphone status of a participant.
  • reactionDuration: The duration of the reaction animation.
  • reactionPosition: The position of the reaction.

You can create an instance of the VideoRendererStyle with the two different styles, which have different default value.

  • RegularVideoRendererStyle: A regular video renderer style, which displays the reactions, participant label, and connection quality indicator.
  • ScreenSharingVideoRendererStyle: A screen sharing video renderer style, which displays the reactions, and participant label.

For example, if you want to change the position of the participant label to the top-start, you can simply change the labelPosition property in the CallContent, ParticipantsGrid, or ParticipantVideo.

style = RegularVideoRendererStyle(
isShowingParticipantLabel = true,
labelPosition = Alignment.TopStart,
isShowingConnectionQualityIndicator = true,
reactionDuration = 500,
reactionPosition = Alignment.Center

Then you will see the result below:

Participant Label


You can also fully customize the video renderer by implementing your own composable function. Let's say you want to implement a round-shaped video like Around. In this case, you can achieve it by implementing the videoRenderer parameter with the CallContent, or ParticipantsGrid components.

modifier = Modifier.background(color = VideoTheme.colors.appBackground),
videoRenderer = { modifier, call, participant, style ->
Box(modifier = modifier) {
modifier = Modifier
call = call,
participant = participant,
style = style,

Then you will see the result below:

Video Renderer Circular

Custom Video Layout

If you want to build your own lazy list or grid with the ParticipantVideo component, you can achieve it very simply like the sample below:

modifier = Modifier.background(color = VideoTheme.colors.appBackground),
callContent = {
modifier = Modifier.fillMaxSize(),
call = call,
videoContent = {
val participants by call.state.participants.collectAsState()

LazyVerticalGrid(columns = GridCells.Fixed(2)) {
items(participants, key = { it.sessionId }) { participant ->
modifier = Modifier
call = call,
participant = participant


Now, you'll see the custom participant grids below:

Video Renderer Grids

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