Call & Participant State
Video Call State
When you join a call, we'll automatically expose 3 StateFlow objects:
val clientState = streamVideo.state
val callState = call.state
val participants = call.state.participants
Call State
Here's an example of how you can access the call state:
val call ="default", "mycall")
val joinResult = call.join(create=true)
// state is now available at
val state = call.state
The following fields are available on the call
Attribute | Description |
connection | Your connection state if you're currently connected to the call |
participants | The list of call participants |
totalParticipants | The count of the total number of participants. This includes anonymous participants |
me | Shortcut to your own participant state |
remoteParticipants | The list of call participants other than yourself |
activeSpeakers | The list of participants who are currently speaking |
dominantSpeaker | The dominant speaker |
sortedParticipants | Participants sorted using the default sorting logic |
members | The list of call members |
screenSharingSession | If someone is screensharing, it will be available here |
recording | Boolean if the call is being recorded or not |
blockedUsers | The users who are blocked from this call |
ringingState | For ringing calls we expose additional state |
settings | The settings for this call |
ownCapabilities | Which actions you have permission to do |
hasPermission | function for checking if you have a certain permission |
capabilitiesByRole | What different roles (user, admin, moderator etc.) are allowed to do |
permissionRequests | If there are active permission requests |
backstage | If a call is in backstage mode or not |
broadcasting | If a call is broadcasting (to HLS) or not |
createdAt | When the call was created |
updatedAt | When the call was updated |
startsAt | When the call is scheduled to start |
endedAt | When the call ended |
endedByUser | User who ended the call |
custom | Custom data on the call |
team | Team that the call is restricted to. Default to null. |
createdBy | Who created the call |
ingress | If there is an active ingress session to this call. IE if you're sending RTMP into the call |
reactions | List of reactions this call received |
errors | Any errors we've encountered during this call |
Participant State
The ParticipantsState
is the most essential component used to render a participant in a call. It contains all of the information to render a participant, such as audio & video renderers, availabilities of audio & video, the screen sharing session, reactions, and etc. Here's how you iterate over the participants:
// all participants
val participants: StateFlow<List<ParticipantState>> = call.state.participants
coroutineScope.launch {
participants.collectLatest { participants ->
// ..
// all participants in Jetpack Compose
val participants: List<ParticipantState> by call.state.participants.collectAsState()
participants.forEach { participantState ->
// ..
// you
val me: StateFlow<ParticipantState?> =
In Jetpack Compose, you can observe the ParticipantsState
and render videos like the example below:
// all participants
val participants by call.state.participants.collectAsState()
LazyColumn {
items(items = participants, key = { it.sessionId }) { participant ->
ParticipantVideo(call = call, participant = participant)
// you
val me by
call = call,
participant = me
The following fields are available on the participant
Attribute | Description |
user | The user object for this participant |
video | The video object for this participant |
audio | The participant's audio object |
screenSharing | The screensharing object |
joinedAt | When this participant joined |
audioLevel | How loudly this user is talking. Float |
audioLevels | A list of the last 10 audio levels. Convenient for audio visualizations |
speaking | If the user is speaking |
connectionQuality | The participant's connection quality |
dominantSpeaker | If this participant is the dominant speaker or not |
lastSpeakingAt | When this user last spoke (used for sorting in some apps) |
Client State
// client state is available on the client object
val state = client.state
And contains these fields:
Attribute | Description |
user | The user you're currently authenticated as |
connection | The connection state. See ConnectionState |
activeCall | The call you've currently joined |
ringingCall | Contains the call if you're calling someone or someone is calling you |