The majority of components used in stream-chat-react-native
can have custom styles applied to them via the theming system.
Creating a theme
To accurately create a theme we suggest utilizing our exported types to create your own theme. This will allow you to ensure the keys you are using in your theme object are correct.
When you provide a theme as a prop a deep merge of the theme and default theme is performed so only styles designated in the custom theme overwrite the defaults.
We provide a helper type DeepPartial
that makes all of the keys at every depth optional, this is to account for the deep merge that is performed.
You can find the default theme object in theme.ts.
import type { DeepPartial, Theme } from 'stream-chat-react-native';
const theme: DeepPartial<Theme> = {
messageSimple: {
file: {
container: {
backgroundColor: 'red',
Applying a theme
There are two entry points for custom themes into the SDK, in the OverlayProvider
and Chat
takes a prop style
which accepts a custom theme.
The OverlayProvider
accepts the same style
as a key on the prop value
In practice you only need to provide you custom theme to the OverlayProvider
as the theme is accessed via context.
Nested ThemeProvider
components merge themes provided by higher level ThemeProvider
components, so the theme provided to the OverlayProvider
will be available from the ThemeProvider
in the Chat
This allows you to provide a different theme at different levels of the application if you choose.
export const App = () => (
<OverlayProvider value={{ style: theme }}>
<Chat client={client}>
<ChannelList />
Dark mode
If you would like to support dark mode in your application you can create and apply different themes depending on the current colorScheme
provided by React Native.
To prevent unnecessary deep merges and re-renders we suggest keeping the current theme in state and only change it when theme colorScheme changes.
import { useEffect, useState } from 'react';
import { useColorScheme } from 'react-native';
import type { DeepPartial, Theme } from 'stream-chat-react-native';
export const App = () => {
const colorScheme = useColorScheme();
const getTheme = (): DeepPartial<Theme> => ({
colors: colorScheme === 'dark' ? { black: '#FFFFFF' } : { black: '#000000' },
const [theme, setTheme] = useState(getTheme());
useEffect(() => {
}, [colorScheme]);
return (
<OverlayProvider value={{ style: theme }}>
<Chat client={client}>
<ChannelList />
Using the theme
You can easily access the theme in any custom components you create using the useTheme
To ensure any change to the theme is reflected within the UI it is not advised to pass theme variables through custom memoization checks.
const {
theme: {
colors: { black },
} = useTheme();
Identifying theme paths
Where possible we have used displayName
on components to expose the theme path to the style.
To view the displayName
on a component.
- Open the in-app developer menu
- Turn on inspector by pressing
Show Inspector
button - Select the desired component and the
will be shown in the inspector path
Not all theme styles are tied to high level components; but we have added this debugging strategy to help in locating the most common components easily.
To find the path and customize the style on a file attachment for instance we locate the component using the inspector.
The displayName
is listed as FileAttachment{messageSimple{file}}
This syntax is indicating the component is named FileAttachment
and the style keys are messageSimple
-> file
There are often multiple keys on a designated display name corresponding to different sub-components styles.
In this case file
has five sub-component keys that can modify the styling.
The exported types and original theme in theme.ts can then be referenced to create a custom modification to the theme.
const theme: DeepPartial<Theme> = {
messageSimple: {
file: {
container: {
backgroundColor: 'red',
icon: {
height: 16,
width: 16,
The resulting changes by applying the custom theme are easily seen in the change in icon size and background color of the file attachment.
Most of the styles are standard React Native styles, but some styles applying to SVG, Markdown, or custom components are numbers, strings, or other specified types.
The TypeScript documentation of Theme
should help you in this regard.
Message text is an instance of an exception as it is rendered using react-native-markdown-package
and the MarkdownStyle
is added to the theme at key messageSimple
-> content
-> markdown