Stream 💙 Open Source: February

Nash R.
Nash R.
Published February 28, 2021
Stream's Open Source Sponsorship

Take a look at our updated article for August 2022 on our latest OSS contributions.

Open source is at the heart of nearly all projects built today. From rockets on Mars to next-gen chat and feeds, they all rely on the software created and maintained by developers worldwide.

At Stream, we not only love developers, but we also love giving back and helping the community. That's why we are incredibly proud to share a few open-source projects we are supporting on Github. Projects on this list use everything from Python to Flutter. These are just a few frameworks we support and use every day:

Name: django REST Framework

Github ⭐️ :
Twitter 🐥:
Platform: Python
Description: Django REST framework is a powerful and flexible toolkit for building Web APIs.

Name: shogo4405/HaishinKit.swift
Github ⭐️ :
Twitter 🐥:
Platform: Swift/iOS
Description: Camera and Microphone streaming library via RTMP, HLS for iOS, macOS, tvOS.

Name: pedroSG94/rtmp-rtsp-stream-client-java
Github ⭐️ :
Platform: Java/Android
Description: RTMP and RTSP streaming library written in Java.

Name: felangel/bloc
Github ⭐️ :
Twitter 🐥:
Platform: Flutter
Description: A predictable state management library that helps implement the BLoC design pattern.

Name: flutter-webrtc/flutter-webrtc
Github ⭐️ :
Twitter 🐥:
Platform: Flutter
Description: WebRTC plugin for Flutter Mobile/Desktop/Web.

Name: FaridSafi/react-native-gifted-chat
Github ⭐️ :
Twitter 🐥:
Platform: React Native
Description: A fully fledge chat UI for React Native and Web.

Name: petyosi/react-virtuoso
Github ⭐️ :
Twitter 🐥:
Platform: React
Description: React Virtuoso is a powerful React virtual list component featuring sticky headers, responsive grid layouts and much more!

Name: webrtc-rs/webrtc
Github ⭐️ :
Platform: Rust
Description: A pure Rust implementation of WebRTC stack. Rewrite Pion WebRTC stack ( in Rust.

What packages are you using in your project? We would love to know. Tweet us your favorite package using the hashtag #StreamOpenSource or tweet us @getstream_io.