Runtime layout switching

During your application’s lifecycle there will be situations where you’ll want to direct your users to a different video layout upon certain event. In this case we’ll explore how to automatically switch to a video layout that is better suited for when any of the participants starts a screen share session.

Defining Stage component

In this guide, we’ll introduce a concept component called Stage that’ll handle the automatic switching logic and renders appropriate layout component.

import {
} from "@stream-io/video-react-sdk";

const LayoutMap = {
  Speaker: {
    component: SpeakerLayout,
    title: "Speaker layout with spotlight",
    props: {},
  PaginatedGrid: {
    component: PaginatedGridLayout,
    title: "Paginated grid layout",
    props: {
      groupSize: 12,

export const Stage = () => {
  const [selectedLayout, setSelectedLayout] =
    useState<keyof typeof LayoutMap>("PaginatedGrid");
  const { useHasOngoingScreenShare } = useCallStateHooks();
  const hasOngoingScreenshare = useHasOngoingScreenShare();

  const LayoutComponent = LayoutMap[selectedLayout].component;
  const componentProps = LayoutMap[selectedLayout].props;

  useEffect(() => {
    // set screen share compatible layout
    if (hasOngoingScreenshare) return setSelectedLayout("Speaker");

    return setSelectedLayout("PaginatedGrid");
  }, [hasOngoingScreenshare]);

  return <LayoutComponent {...componentProps} />;

Optional enhancements

If your application supports more than two video layouts, you might want to consider storing preferred layout in the localStorage so when your application toggles back - it switches to the preferred one.

Consider using versioned persisted application states like the one in Zustand.

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