Call statistics

The SDK’s default component to display statistics about a call is called CallStats. It displays:

  • Call Latency graph that outlines average round trip time (in ms).
  • Call Performance section that displays the below listed call statistics

Panel displaying call statistics

The call statistics displayed

  • Region - the server we are connected to
  • Latency - the time it takes to deliver the data between the server and the app
  • Receive jitter - the variation in the delay of receiving packets of data over a network
  • Publish jitter - the variation in the delay of sending packets of data over a network
  • Publish resolution - video resolution we are publishing
  • Publish quality drop reason - optional explanation of the reason, why the video image quality we are sending has diminished
  • Receiving resolution - video resolution we are receiving
  • Receive quality drop reason - optional explanation of the reason, why the video image quality we are receiving has diminished
  • Publish bitrate - the rate at which data is transmitted from the app to the server
  • Receiving bitrate - the rate at which data is transmitted from the server to the app

General usage

The default component is just rendered without passing any props:

const MyCallStats = () => {
  // omitted code ...

  return (
    /* omitted code ... */
    <CallStats />
    /* omitted code ... */




You can create your own call statistics component using the SDK’s call state hooks.

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