Ringing call

The component RingingCall is designed to represent incoming or outgoing ring call. The default implementation displays:

  • call member avatars
  • call connection status
  • call control buttons to accept or cancel the call

Default incoming call panel

Default outgoing call panel

General usage

import { Call, RingingCall, StreamCall } from "@stream-io/video-react-sdk";

const MyRingingCallUI = () => {
  let call: Call;

  return (
    <StreamCall call={call}>
      <RingingCall />

Ringing call controls

The RingingCall component features CancelCallButton to reject/cancel the outgoing/incoming call and in case of incoming call panel, also AcceptCallButton is displayed.

Props RingingCall


boolean | undefinedfalse

Whether to include the current user in the list of members to show.


number | undefined3

The maximum number of members to show.

Props RingingCallControls



If you want to create your own ringing call panel, have a look at our ringing call panel customization guide.

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