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Custom Data

Custom data is additional information that can be added to the default data of Stream. It is a dictionary of key-value pairs that can be attached to users, events, and pretty much almost every domain model in the Stream SDK.

In the SDK, custom data is represented by the Map<String, Object>. This means that the key must be a string and the value can be any object.

Adding Custom Data

Adding extra data can be done through the Server-Side SDKs or through the Client SDKs. In the Flutter Stream Video SDK, you can add extra data when creating/updating a call, updating a user and sending event or reaction.

Example of updating the call custom data
call.update(custom: {'mycustomfield': 'mycustomvalue'});
Example of sending a reaction with custom data
reactionType: 'raise-hand',
emojiCode: ':smile:',
custom: {'mycustomfield': 'mycustomvalue'},
Example of sending a custom event with custom data
eventType: 'my-custom-event',
custom: {'mycustomfield': 'mycustomvalue'},
Example of updating the user custom data while initializing the StreamVideo
user: User.regular(userId: 'userId', extraData: {'mycustomfield': 'mycustomvalue'}),
userToken: token,

Reading Custom Data

​ Reading the custom data is as simple as accessing the custom field of the object. For example, to read the custom data of a reaction, you can access the custom field of the reaction event object.

call.callEvents.listen((event) {
if (event is StreamCallReactionEvent) {
final customData = event.custom;

For Call object the custom data is stored in call metadata that can be accessed when calling getOrCreate() or get() method.

final result = await call.getOrCreate();
final customData = result.fold(
success: (success) =>,
failure: (_) => null,


final result = await call.get();
final customData = result.fold(
success: (success) =>,
failure: (_) => null,

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