
Outgoing Calls

The Call object provides several options to ring and notify users about a call.

Create an outgoing call

To create an outgoing call, use the create method from the Call object. Set the ring flag to true and provide the list of members, including the caller.

val call = client.call("default", "123")
call.create(ring = true, members = listOf("caller-id", "receiver-1", "receiver-2"))

When ring is true, a push notification will be sent to the members, provided you have the required setup for push notifications. For more details about push notifications, please check this page. If ring is false, no push notification will be sent.

Ring an existing call

If you are sure that a call exists, you can use the get method, then the ring method:

val call = client.call("default", "123")

The get() - ring() combination can be used when calls are created and managed externally via another system.

Monitor the outgoing call state

The state of the ringing call is available via the StreamVideo client.

val client = StreamVideo.instance()
val ringingCall = client.state.ringingCall

This will give you a StateFlow which can be monitored.

ringingCall.collectLatest { call ->
    // There is a ringing call

or simply just get a current value.

val call = ringingCall.value

You can access the call’s state via the call.state property.

Canceling an outgoing call

To cancel an outgoing call, you can simply reject the call from the caller side. The reject method will notify the endpoint that the call is being rejected and corresponding events will be sent to members. In order to cleanup on the caller side, a call to leave() is required. These two usually go together, unless there is a specific reason to keep the channel open for further events.


Incoming Calls

Show an incoming call

If you have push notifications set up properly, the call recipients will receive an incoming call push notification.

By default, the SDK will show a CallStyle push notification with options to accept or decline the call. When the user clicks on one of the buttons, an intent with the ACTION_ACCEPT_CALL or ACTION_REJECT_CALL actions is fired.

You can learn more about how to set up and customize push notifications here.

Accept an incoming call

The Compose SDK provides built-in components to render and handle an incoming call.

One of them is StreamCallActivity. This abstract activity handles everything that is needed for a call. Stream also provides a default compose implementation of this activity called ComposeStreamCallActivity.

These components are already predefined and registered in the SDK. If you want to customize them you can easily extend them as any other activity in Android.

For more details check:

The Stream SDK also provides a low-level way to accept a call, so if you are building a custom UI, you can do this via the SDK API.


The above calls are all you need to accept and join a call.

It’s important to note that if there is already an ongoing call you first have to leave that call:

val client = StreamVideo.instance()
val activeCall = client.start.activeCall.value
if (activeCall != null) {

All this needs to be done inside a component that handles the accept action. This component needs to have an intent filter with this action in the AndroidManifest file:

<action android:name="io.getstream.video.android.action.ACCEPT_CALL" />

Reject an incoming call

Clicking the reject notification button will automatically reject the call. There are certain cases when you might want to do this manually in your code.

Stream offers a simple API to do this.


Note that rejecting the call will notify the caller and other members that the participant rejected the call. However it will not clean up the local call state. For this you need to leave the call by using:


Ringing sounds

The SDK plays sounds for incoming and outgoing calls. It bundles two sounds for this purpose.

Customizing the ringing sounds

The ringing sounds can be customized in two ways:

  1. Override the bundled resources inside your application.
  2. Provide your own RingingConfig to the StreamVideoBuilder.

Override the bundled resources

The resources are: /raw/call_incoming_sound.mp3 and /raw/call_outgoing_sound.mp3. You can place your own call_incoming_sound.mp3 and call_outgoing_sound.mp3 files in the res/raw directory of your app.

Provide your own RingingConfig

You can customize the sounds by creating a RingingConfig.

Currently, the SDK accepts a Sounds object in the builder, so once you have a RingingConfig, you can create a Sounds object via ringingConfig.toSounds() and pass it to the StreamVideoBuilder.

The RingingConfig interface defines two properties:

  • incomingCallSoundUri: The URI for the incoming call sound.
  • outgoingCallSoundUri: The URI for the outgoing call sound.

You can implement this interface and provide your own values for the properties (e.g. a user chosen URI). After that, create a Sounds object (e.g. ringingConfig.toSounds() or Sounds(ringingConfig)) and pass it to the SDK builder. If one of the Uris is null the SDK will simply not play that sound and log an error.

The Sounds class is deprecated and will entirely be replaced by RingingConfig in the future. The current Sounds constructor that accepts two integers will always return an emptyRingingConfig() with muted sounds.

RingingConfig can also be created via several factory methods:

  • defaultResourcesRingingConfig - This method returns a RingingConfig that uses the SDK’s default sounds for both incoming and outgoing calls
  • resRingingConfig - This method returns a RingingConfig that uses a resource identifier for both incoming and outgoing calls.
  • uriRingingConfig(Uri, Uri) - Returns a RingingConfig that is configured with two Uri objects for the corresponding sounds.
  • emptyRingingConfig - The SDK will not play any sounds for incoming and outgoing calls.

Customization examples

For example, to create a sound config that only includes an incoming sound and no outgoing sound, you can extend RingingConfig as shown below, setting outgoingCallSoundUri to null:

class IncomingOnlyRingingConfig : RingingConfig {
    override val incomingCallSoundUri: Uri =

    override val outgoingCallSoundUri: Uri? = null // Outgoing sound will be muted

Another use case may include a user-chosen sound or a custom sound that is not bundled:

data class UserRingingConfig(
    val incomingCallSoundUri: Uri,
    val outgoingCallSoundUri: Uri
) : RingingConfig

If the sound resources cannot be found (Uri or resource ID) the SDK will simply not play any sound and log the error.

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