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Joining & Creating Calls

Joining a call

Most commonly, you will want to either join another call or create a new call and join it immediately.

You can easily achieve this with the _client.JoinCallAsync method and setting the create argument to true if you're creating a new call or false if you're joining another call.

var callType = StreamCallType.Default; // Call type affects default permissions
var callId = "my-call-id";

// Notice that we pass create argument as true - this will create the call if it doesn't already exist
var streamCall = await _client.JoinCallAsync(callType, callId, create: true, ring: true, notify: false);

The call type controls which features are enabled, and sets up permissions. You can read more about the call types here

For the call id there are a few things to note:

  • You can reuse the same call multiple times.
  • If you have a unique id for the call we recommend passing that as the id.

Creating a call

If you wish to only create a call object, that you'll join later, you can use the _client.GetOrCreateCallAsync method.

var callType = StreamCallType.Default; // Call type affects default permissions
var callId = "my-call-id";

// Get call or create if it doesn't exist
var streamCall = await _client.GetOrCreateCallAsync(callType, callId);

Get a call

To get a call by id and the call type you can use the _client.GetCallAsync method. This method will return the call object if it exists or return null if the call was not found.

var callType = StreamCallType.Default; // Call type affects default permissions
var callId = "my-call-id";

// Try to get call - will return null if the call doesn't exist
var streamCall = await _client.GetCallAsync(callType, callId);

Querying Members

You can query the members of the call. This is helpful if you have thousands of members in a call and want to paginate.

var filters = new List<IFieldFilterRule>
var result = await streamCall.QueryMembersAsync(filters, CallMemberSort.OrderByDescending(CallMemberSortField.LastActive), limit: 25);

// queried members, depending on how many members satisfy the filter this can be only a subset or a single "page" of results
var members = result.Members;

// In order to get the next "page" of results, use this token as a "next" argument in the QueryMembersAsync method
var next = result.Next;

// In order to get the previous "page" of results, use this token as a "prev" argument in the QueryMembersAsync method
var prev = result.Prev;

You can filter the member list on these fields, and sort on the selected fields. Note that you can also query on custom data for the member or the user.

OptionDescriptionSorting Supported
user_idThe user's idYes
roleThe member's roleNo
customThe custom data on the memberNo
created_atWhen the member was createdYes
updated_atWhen the member was last updatedNo

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