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Custom data

Custom data is additional information that you can add to the call or participants. It is a dictionary of key-value pairs that you can use to store any types of objects you need.


The data you put inside custom data must properly serialize to JSON. Otherwise the operation will fail. You can also put already serialized data and deserialize it on your own.

Call object

Writing custom data

In order to write custom data for the call use streamCall.CustomData.SetAsync or streamCall.CustomData.SetManyAsync:

var streamCall = await _client.GetOrCreateCallAsync(StreamCallType.Default, "my-call-id");

// Writing custom data
await streamCall.CustomData.SetAsync("my_number", 34); // int type
await streamCall.CustomData.SetAsync("my_string", "hello"); // string type

var sampleStruct = new SampleStruct(name: "Peter", age: 27);

await streamCall.CustomData.SetAsync("my_custom_type", sampleStruct); // custom type

Reading custom data

Once you set the custom data you can then read it with streamCall.CustomData.Get or streamCall.CustomData.TryGet methods as shown in the examples below. Both Get and TryGet methods are generic and you need to provide a valid type. The internal serializer will attempt to deserialize the stored data into the type you've provided.

var streamCall = await _client.GetOrCreateCallAsync(StreamCallType.Default, "my-call-id");

// Reading custom data
var myNumber = streamCall.CustomData.Get<int>("my_number"); // int type
var myString = streamCall.CustomData.Get<string>("my_string"); // string type
var myCustomType = streamCall.CustomData.Get<SampleStruct>("my_custom_type"); // custom type

Call participant object

Likewise, you can attach custom data to any call participant object as well.

Writing custom data

In order to write custom data for the call participant use participant.CustomData.SetAsync or participant.CustomData.SetManyAsync:

var streamCall = await _client.GetOrCreateCallAsync(StreamCallType.Default, "my-call-id");

// Get sample call participant
var participant = streamCall.Participants.First();

// Writing custom data
await participant.CustomData.SetAsync("my_number", 34); // int type
await participant.CustomData.SetAsync("my_string", "hello"); // string type

var sampleStruct = new SampleStruct(name: "Peter", age: 27);

await participant.CustomData.SetAsync("my_custom_type", sampleStruct); // custom type

Reading custom data

Once you set the custom data you can then read it with participant.CustomData.Get or participant.CustomData.TryGet methods as shown in the examples below. Both Get and TryGet methods are generic and you need to provide a valid type. The internal serializer will attempt to deserialize the stored data into the type you've provided.

var streamCall = await _client.GetOrCreateCallAsync(StreamCallType.Default, "my-call-id");

// Get sample call participant
var participant = streamCall.Participants.First();

// Reading custom data
var myNumber = participant.CustomData.Get<int>("my_number"); // int type
var myString = participant.CustomData.Get<string>("my_string"); // string type
var myCustomType = participant.CustomData.Get<SampleStruct>("my_custom_type"); // custom type

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