Call Lobby

Call lobbies pre-stage participants, allowing device checks and fostering a sense of anticipation, leading to smoother and more focused video meetings. With Stream Video you can create a video experience with or without a call lobby.

Call Lobby

Adding a call lobby in your call flow

The Flutter SDK for Stream Video provides an inbuilt StreamLobbyView widget which makes it effortless to incorporate a lobby into your video flow.

The inbuilt widget contains a variety of things required for a call lobby: a preview of the user’s video, controls for video and audio, the users already in the call, and of course, a join call button.

To do this, first create a call with the appropriate details and pass it along to the StreamLobbyView widget:

final call = StreamVideo.instance.makeCall(callType: StreamCallType.defaultType(), id: callId);

  call: call,
  onJoinCallPressed: (options) {
    // Navigate to your call screen

If you want to create your own lobby screen, you can also use StreamLobbyVideo to display the preview from the camera, along with toggles for the camera and microphone.

final call = StreamVideo.instance.makeCall(callType: StreamCallType.defaultType(), id: callId);

  call: call,
  onMicrophoneTrackSet: (track) => _microphoneTrack = track,
  onCameraTrackSet: (track) => _cameraTrack = track,
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