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Call Lobby

Call lobbies pre-stage participants, allowing device checks and fostering a sense of anticipation, leading to smoother and more focused video meetings. With Stream Video you can create a video experience with or without a call lobby.

Call Lobby

Adding a call lobby in your call flow

The Flutter SDK for Stream Video provides an inbuilt StreamLobbyView widget which makes it effortless to incorporate a lobby into your video flow.

The inbuilt widget contains a variety of things required for a call lobby: a preview of the user's video, controls for video and audio, the users already in the call, and of course, a join call button.

To do this, first create a call with the appropriate details and pass it along to the StreamLobbyView widget:

final call = StreamVideo.instance.makeCall(callType: StreamCallType.defaultType(), id: callId);

call: call,
onJoinCallPressed: (options) {
// Navigate to your call screen

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