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Version: v7


This guide enumerates and better explains the SDK changes introduced in v7.

If you find any bugs or have any questions, please file an issue on our GitHub repository. We want to support you as much as we can with this migration.

Code examples:

Our documentation has also been updated to support v7, so all guides and examples will have updated code.


To migrate to v7.0.0, update your pubspec.yaml with the correct Stream chat package you're using:

stream_chat_flutter: ^7.0.0 # full UI, core and client packages
stream_chat: ^7.0.0 # client package

What's New?

We improved the overall user experience of the Stream Chat Flutter SDK and added new features to make it easier to customize the SDK to your needs.

We've also fixed several bugs and improved the overall stability of the SDK.

Added support for StreamMessageInput.contentInsertionConfiguration to specify the content insertion configuration.

contentInsertionConfiguration: ContentInsertionConfiguration(
onContentInserted: (content) {
// Do something with the content.

Breaking changes

The following components have been removed in v7.0.0:

  • ChatPersistenceClient.getChannelStates.sort has been removed in favor of ChatPersistenceClient.getChannelStates.channelStateSort.
sort: [SortOption('last_message_at')],

channelStateSort: [SortOption('last_message_at')],
  • StreamChatClient.queryChannels.sort has been removed in favor of StreamChatClient.queryChannels.channelStateSort.
sort: [SortOption('last_message_at')],

channelStateSort: [SortOption('last_message_at')],
  • MessageWidget.customAttachmentBuilders has been removed in favor of MessageWidget.attachmentBuilders.
customAttachmentBuilders: {
'image': (context, message, attachment) => // build image attachment,
class CustomImageAttachmentBuilder extends StreamAttachmentWidgetBuilder {
bool canHandle(
Message message,
Map<String, List<Attachment>> attachments,
) {
// Custom logic to check
// if the attachment can be handled by this builder

Widget build(
BuildContext context,
Message message,
Map<String, List<Attachment>> attachments,
) {
// custom build implementation

attachmentBuilders: const [CustomImageAttachmentBuilder()],
  • RetryPolicy.retryTimeout has been removed in favor of RetryPolicy.delayFactor.
  • StreamChatNetworkError.fromDioError has been removed in favor of StreamChatNetworkError.fromDioException.
  • MessageSendingStatus has been removed in favor of MessageState.
  • StreamChannelListController.sort has been removed in favor of StreamChannelListController.channelStateSort.
  • ChannelPreview has been removed in favor of StreamChannelListTile.
  • ChannelPreviewBuilder has been removed in favor of StreamChannelListViewIndexedWidgetBuilder.
  • StreamUserItem has been removed in favor of StreamUserListTile.
  • ReturnActionType has been removed and no longer used.
  • StreamMessageInput.attachmentThumbnailBuilders has been removed in favor of StreamMessageInput.mediaAttachmentBuilder.
  • MessageWidget.showReactionPickerIndicator has been removed in favor of MessageWidget.showReactionPicker.
  • MessageWidget.bottomRowBuilder has been removed in favor of MessageWidget.bottomRowBuilderWithDefaultWidget.
  • MessageWidget.deletedBottomRowBuilder has been removed in favor of MessageWidget.deletedBottomRowBuilderWithDefaultWidget.
  • MessageWidget.usernameBuilder has been removed in favor of MessageWidget.usernameBuilderWithDefaultWidget.
  • MessageWidget.showReactionPickerTail has been removed in favor of MessageWidget.showReactionPicker.
  • MessageTheme.linkBackgroundColor has been removed in favor of MessageTheme.urlAttachmentBackgroundColor.
  • showConfirmationDialog has been removed in favor of showConfirmationBottomSheet.
  • showInfoDialog has been removed in favor of showInfoBottomSheet.
  • wrapAttachmentWidget has been removed in favor of WrapAttachmentWidget.
  • MessageListView.onMessageSwiped parameter. Try wrapping the MessageWidget with a Swipeable, Dismissible or a custom widget to achieve the swipe to reply behaviour.
onMessageSwiped: (Message message) => // handle swipe,

messageBuilder: (BuildContext context, Message message) =>
key: ValueKey(,
onSwiped: (_) => // handle swipe,
child: StreamMessageWidget(
message: message,

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