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Version: v8


A Widget For Displaying And Selecting Users

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A list of users is required for many different purposes: showing a list of users in a Channel, selecting users to add in a channel, etc. The StreamUserListView displays a list of users.


Make sure to check the StreamUserListController documentation for more information on how to use the controller to manipulate the StreamUserListView.

Basic Example

class UserListPage extends StatefulWidget {
const UserListPage({super.key});

State<UserListPage> createState() => _UserListPageState();

class _UserListPageState extends State<UserListPage> {
late final StreamUserListController _userListController =
client: StreamChat.of(context).client,
limit: 25,
filter: Filter.and(
[Filter.notEqual('id', StreamChat.of(context).currentUser!.id)],
sort: [
const SortOption(
direction: 1,

Widget build(BuildContext context) {
return RefreshIndicator(
onRefresh: () => _userListController.refresh(),
child: StreamUserListView(
controller: _userListController,

Customize The User Items

You can use your own widget for the user items using the itemBuilder parameter.

// ...
itemBuilder: (context, users, index, defaultWidget) {
return Text(users[index].name);

Selecting Users

The StreamUserListView widget allows selecting users in a list. The defaultWidget returned can be customized to indicate that it has been selected.

Set<User> _selectedUsers = {};

controller: _userListController,
itemBuilder: (context, users, index, defaultWidget) {
return defaultWidget.copyWith(
selected: _selectedUsers.contains(users[index]),
onUserTap: (user) {
setState(() {

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