Channels Events

A Class To Customize The Event Handler For The StreamChannelListController.

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A StreamChannelListEventHandler is a class that handles the events that are related to the channel list loaded by StreamChannelListController. The StreamChannelListController automatically creates a StreamChannelListEventHandler internally and handles the events. In order to provide a custom implementation of StreamChannelListEventHandler, you need to create a class that extends the StreamChannelListEventHandler class.

Basic Example

There are 2 ways to provide a custom implementation of StreamChannelListEventHandler:

  • Create a class that extends the StreamChannelListEventHandler and pass it down to the controller.
class MyCustomEventHandler extends StreamChannelListEventHandler {
  void onConnectionRecovered(
    Event event,
    StreamChannelListController controller,
  ) {
    // Write your own custom implementation here

Pass it down to the controller:

  late final listController = StreamChannelListController(
    client: StreamChat.of(context).client,
    eventHandler: MyCustomEventHandler(),
  • Mix the StreamChannelListEventHandler into your widget state.
class _ChannelListPageState extends State<ChannelListPage> {

  late final _listController = StreamChannelListController(
    client: StreamChat.of(context).client,
    eventHandler: MyCustomEventHandler(),
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