Component to render Giphy attachments within the MessageList
This is the default component provided to the prop Giphy
on the Channel
required attachment
Attachment object for giphy
type attachment.
Type |
Object |
overrides the value from MessagesContext additionalTouchableProps
Additional props provided to the underlying TouchableOpacity used by components within a message such as MessageContent
Type |
object |
overrides the value from MessageContext handleAction
Function to send an attachment action on message. For example, in case of giphy
type attachments, there are 3 actions available - Shuffle, Cancel, Send.
Type |
(name: string, value: string) => Promise |
overrides the value from MessageContext onLongPress
Default long press handler for message UI.
Type |
function |
overrides the value from MessageContext onPress
Default press handler for message UI.
Type |
function |
overrides the value from MessageContext onPressIn
Default pressIn
handler for message UI.
Type |
function |
overrides the value from ImageGalleryContext setSelectedMessage
Setter for value selectedMessage
Type |
(selectedMessage: {messageId?: string; url?: string;}) => void |
overrides the value from ImageGalleryContext setMessages
Setter for value messages
Type |
(messages: [MessageType]([]) => void |
overrides the value from OverlayContext setOverlay
Setter for overlay
. You can use this setter to show the overlay.
Type |
(overlay) => void |
UI Component Props
overrides the value from ChatContext ImageComponent
Drop in replacement of all the underlying Image
components within SDK.
This is useful for the purpose of offline caching of images. Please check the Offline Support Guide for usage.
Type | Default |
ComponentType | Image |