This is documentation for Stream Chat React SDK v11, which is nolonger actively maintained. For up-to-date documentation, see the latest version (v12).


This page contains information about the old theming system (v1) of the chat UI, this is now deprecated and will be removed in a future release. Please refer to our new theming guide.

While the components in the React Chat library come with basic styling, the look and feel can easily be adjusted to fit your specifications. For small and precise changes, individual CSS classes can be overridden.

For larger, theme-related adjustments, the Chat component accepts customStyles and customClasses props. The customStyles prop allows you to toggle a large selection of CSS variables and the customClasses prop allows you to provide your own classes that override the default container CSS.

Overriding CSS

To override pre-defined library styles, follow this simple process:

  • Import our bundled CSS into the file where you instantiate your chat application. We maintain a separate repository, @stream-io/stream-chat-css, which houses all the SCSS files for the components. This CSS is bundled with the stream-chat-react SDK.
import "stream-chat-react/dist/css/index.css";
import "./App.css";
  • Use the browser inspector or view the library code and locate default styles you wish to override

  • Add selectors to your local CSS file to override our defaults

  • Import your local CSS file after Stream’s bundled CSS

Importing scss Files

As an alternative to importing our entire style sheet (perhaps, due to it’s size), there’s also the option to easily assemble only what you need by importing individual scss files. The imports should happen in the file where you instantiate your application.

Here’s a complete list of scss files broken down by size and with the option of filtering by SDK version.

If not importing our entire bundled CSS, individually importing the SDK’s scss files is the better alternative to copy and pasting our stylesheets and then customizing that code in your application. The CSS in the library does change occasionally, and you want to keep up to date with these to ensure no problems arise by falling behind in important styling updates.

Theming Your App

Custom Container Classes

Many of the high level React components in the library come with predefined CSS container classes that inject basic display styling. To remove or replace these wrapper classes entirely, the Chat component takes a customStyles prop. This prop accepts a mapping of overridable container classnames.

In the below example we will replace two of the default container classes, str-chat (maps to the chat key) and str-chat-channel (maps to the channel) key. Once replaced, add whatever styles you want in your own stylesheets.

const customClasses: CustomClasses = {
  chat: "custom-chat-class",
  channel: "custom-channel-class",

const App = () => (
  <Chat client={client} customClasses={customClasses}>
    <ChannelList />
        <ChannelHeader />
        <MessageList />
        <MessageInput />
      <Thread />

The accepted object keys and the default classnames they override are as follows:

  • chat - str-chat
  • chatContainer - str-chat__container
  • channel - str-chat-channel
  • channelList - str-chat-channel-list
  • message - str-chat__li str-chat__li--${groupStyles}
  • messageList - str-chat__list
  • thread - str-chat__thread
  • threadList - str-chat__list--thread
  • virtualMessage - str-chat__virtual-list-message-wrapper
  • virtualizedMessageList - str-chat__virtual-list

Be careful overriding the default styles on the VirtualizedMessageList component, as our defaults handle much of the logic that makes the list UI perform optimally.

CSS Variables

To make more sweeping stylistic changes to the default CSS, the library exposes a variety of CSS variables that can be adjusted with props. The Chat component accepts a customStyles prop, an object type with keys as the CSS variables you wish to change and values for the corresponding, adjusted CSS.

In the below example, we demonstrate how to change four of the library’s global CSS variables:

  • Primary color
  • Medium font size
  • Extra small margin
  • Extra small padding
const customStyles: CustomStyles = {
  "--primary-color": "green",
  "--md-font": "1.2rem",
  "--xs-m": "1.2rem",
  "--xs-p": "1.2rem",

const App = () => (
  <Chat client={client} customStyles={customStyles}>
    <ChannelList />
        <ChannelHeader />
        <MessageList />
        <MessageInput />
      <Thread />

The first screenshot shows an app running with the default library styling. In the second, we’ve supplied a customStyles object to the Chat component to create a more zoomed-in user experience with a green primary color.

Default Styles


Custom CSS Variables


Simple Dark Mode

The Chat component also accepts a darkMode boolean prop that toggles the app into a basic dark mode setting. The dark mode toggle is meant to point you in the right direction for building a custom theme into your app.

Adding the darkMode prop is equivalent to supplying to following object to customStyles:

const darkModeTheme: CustomStyles = {
  "--bg-gradient-end": "#101214",
  "--bg-gradient-start": "#070a0d",
  "--black": "#ffffff",
  "--blue-alice": "#00193d",
  "--border": "#141924",
  "--button-background": "#ffffff",
  "--button-text": "#005fff",
  "--grey": "#7a7a7a",
  "--grey-gainsboro": "#2d2f2f",
  "--grey-whisper": "#1c1e22",
  "--modal-shadow": "#000000",
  "--overlay": "#00000066",
  "--overlay-dark": "#ffffffcc",
  "--shadow-icon": "#00000080",
  "--targetedMessageBackground": "#302d22",
  "--transparent": "transparent",
  "--white": "#101418",
  "--white-smoke": "#13151b",
  "--white-snow": "#070a0d",
The result


Variables Reference

A complete reference of all supported CSS variables, as well as their default values, can be found within our SCSS variables file. Any of the CSS variables (prepended with --) can be overridden via the customStyles approach detailed above.

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