This is documentation for Stream Chat React SDK v11, which is nolonger actively maintained. For up-to-date documentation, see the latest version (v12).

Connection Status

This example will show you how to change the message text in the ConnectionStatus component. This status appears when there is a connection issue with the Stream Chat API.

This component is established within the MessageList via the DefaultMessageListNotifications component in the same file. For a complete override of all of these notifications, see this detailed example, but in this smaller guide we will replace just the text of one of the components using the Stream i18n instance.


The first step is to create an instance of Streami18n and pass it into the Chat component.

const i18nInstance = new Streami18n();

<Chat client={client} i18nInstance={i18nInstance}>

Next, we can define what text appears during connection issues by overriding the default message via the key value pairing. Check out the full list of values you can override.

const i18nInstance = new Streami18n({
  language: "en",
  translationsForLanguage: {
    "Connection failure, reconnecting now...":
      "Alert, connection issue happening",

The Result

Custom Connection Status Message for Chat

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