Moderation Dashboard
Interested in trying out our new moderation dashboard? visit
The Stream Chat Dashboard includes an interface for common moderation tasks so your admins and moderators are able to do their jobs without you having to build your own moderation view.
This view in the Dashboard includes a workflow for viewing and responding to flagged messages.
The moderation dashboard also has a live view of chat conversations in the app that provides ergonomics for common moderation workflows. These features together help unclutter your moderator’s workspace and enable moderation teams to work more efficiently when it matters.
Accessing the Moderation Dashboard
You can find the moderation dashboard by logging into the Dashboard, selecting the Chat application you want to moderate, and selecting moderation.
Adding a moderator to your Stream organization
While moderators are hopefully trusted members of your team or site, they are not as trusted as an Admin. Default access to the Stream Dashboard gives access to destructive options for managing data and altering app settings.
This is why we added the dedicated moderator role. A dedicated moderator has read-only access to the data on your Stream dashboard except for actions provided through the moderation dashboard.
To add a dedicated moderator:
Open the Dashboard. Then, select Invite Members.

Enter the an email for the person you want to invite and select the moderator role.

Click send and then, as an optional step, bother the person you sent it to until they accept it.
Congratulations! You now have a new moderator who’s ready to use the moderation dashboard without messing up any of your data or settings.
Flagged messages feed
Stream provides the ability to let users in the chat flag messages containing content. Stream Chat isn’t opinionated about what happens to a message after it is flagged. This is to avoid excluding certain use cases. The moderation dashboard provides one possible workflow for processing flagged messages.
Filtering flagged messages
The details about how to review flagged content is available in the Reviewing Content documentation.
Banning the user
You can apply a ban to users that have broken your community guidelines. You can ban a user for either 24 hours or permanently and you have the option to ban the user from the channel where the flagged message originated or globally.
Take note that the default Stream Ban functions similarly to a Shadow Ban. This means that a banned user will still be able to send messages that are not visible to other users. The logic for how the application handles banning is flexible and you can customize it. See moderation for more information.
Deleting the user and message
For spammers, bots, or exceptionally heinous content, it may not make sense to bother with a ban. If necessary, you have the option to delete an offending message and, optionally, the user that created it.
Live chat view
Reactive moderation covers most of the a moderator’s work, but there are scenarios such as livestreams or other events where moderators need to be watching the chat ready to act.
The Live Chat view addresses that case by putting the suite of moderation tools and actions right next to a live feed of chat messages for a given channel or user.
Moderating individual messages
You can use the ellipses next to a message to get access to more moderation options.

Flag the message to put it into the flagged message queue.
Edit the message to remove anything against community guidelines.
Delete the message.
Moderating users
The live chat view also shows all members active in a chat channel.
You can use the gear icon next to a user to see more information about them in the Chat Explorer or issue a ban against them. The ban can be temporary or permanent.