import { Channel, AutoCompleteSuggestionHeader } from 'stream-chat-react-native';
const AutoCompleteSuggestionHeaderComponent = () => <AutoCompleteSuggestionHeader />
<Channel AutoCompleteSuggestionHeader={AutoCompleteSuggestionHeaderComponent} />
This is documentation for
Stream Chat React Native SDK v5, which is nolonger actively maintained. For up-to-date documentation, see the latest version (v6).
Component to render and customize the header in the auto suggestion list.
General Usage
You can customize the AutoCompleteSuggestionHeader
component and provide it back to the SDK via the AutoCompleteSuggestionHeader
prop on Channel
if desired.
For more details about its usage refer Customizing autocomplete suggestions
The text which the user types in the message input to get autocomplete suggestions.
Type |
string |
The trigger type triggers a particular type of autocomplete list depending on user input.
Type |
’command’ | ‘emoji’ | ‘mention’ |
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