This is documentation for Stream Chat Flutter SDK v7, which is nolonger actively maintained. For up-to-date documentation, see the latest version (v9).

Attachment Picker Modal

Customizing the Attachment Picker Modal


The Attachment Picker is a modal that allows users to select attachments from their device. It is generally used when a user taps the attachment button in the StreamMessageInput.

By default, the Attachment Picker provides multiple picker options as per the platform.

  • For example, on Mobile, the default options are Camera, Gallery, File, and Video.
  • On Web and Desktop, the default options are Image, Video and File.

Customizing the Attachment Picker Modal

The Attachment Picker Modal can be customized by passing the different values to the showStreamAttachmentPickerModalBottomSheet function.

Initial Attachments

The initial attachments can be passed to the Attachment Picker Modal in two ways.

  • By passing the initialAttachments parameter.
StreamMessageInputController _messageInputController =
  context: context,
  initialAttachments: [
    // Pass the initial attachments to the modal here if any are available already (optional)
  • By creating a new instance of the AttachmentPickerModalController and passing it to the controller parameter.
final attachmentPickerController = StreamAttachmentPickerController(
   initialAttachments: [
     // Pass the initial attachments to the modal here if any are available already (optional)

   // The `maxAttachmentSize` and `maxAttachmentCount` can also be set while creating a controller.
   maxAttachmentSize: 10 * 1024 * 1024, // 10 MB
   maxAttachmentCount: 10, // 10 attachments

  context: context,
  controller: attachmentPickerController,

Custom Attachment Picker Options

The Attachment Picker Modal provides a default set of options as per the platform. However, you can also customize the options by passing the customOptions parameter.

  context: context,
  customOptions: [
    // Pass the custom attachment picker options here
      icon: const Icon(Icons.audiotrack),
      supportedTypes: [AttachmentPickerType.audios],
      optionViewBuilder: (context, attachmentPickerController) {
        return AudioPicker(
          onAudioPicked: (audio) async {
            await attachmentPickerController.addAttachment(audio);
            return Navigator.pop(context, attachmentPickerController.value);

Attachment thumbnail size

The size of the attachment thumbnail item shown in the gallery picker can be defined by passing the attachmentThumbnailSize parameter.

  context: context,
  attachmentThumbnailSize: const ThumbnailSize.square(600),

Attachment thumbnail format

The format of the attachment thumbnail item shown in the gallery picker can be defined by passing the attachmentThumbnailFormat parameter.

Possible values are ThumbnailFormat.jpeg and ThumbnailFormat.png.

  context: context,
  attachmentThumbnailFormat: ThumbnailFormat.jpeg,

Attachment thumbnail quality

The quality of the attachment thumbnail item shown in the gallery picker can be defined by passing the attachmentThumbnailQuality parameter.

Possible values are between 0 and 100.

  context: context,
  attachmentThumbnailQuality: 70,

Attachment thumbnail scale

The scale of the attachment thumbnail item shown in the gallery picker can be defined by passing the attachmentThumbnailScale parameter.

For example, if this is 2, it means that there are four image pixels for every one logical pixel, and the image’s actual width and height are double the height and width that should be used when painting the image.

  context: context,
  attachmentThumbnailScale: 2,

Additional modal bottom sheet parameters

The showStreamAttachmentPickerModalBottomSheet function also accepts the parameters that are available in the showModalBottomSheet function.

  context: context,
  isScrollControlled: true,
  backgroundColor: Colors.transparent,
  useRootNavigator: true,
  elevation: 4,
  isDismissible: true,
  clipBehavior: Clip.antiAlias,
  constraints: const BoxConstraints(
    maxHeight: 500,
    maxWidth: 500,
  shape: RoundedRectangleBorder(
    borderRadius: BorderRadius.vertical(
      top: Radius.circular(16),
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