Chat Explorer

LAST EDIT Oct 21 2024



The chat explorer is a great way to visualize the resources that make up your application. You can come here to find a specific user, message, or channel when debugging. To navigate to the chat explorer visit your stream dashboard and from the Chat dropdown select ‘Explorer’

Searching and filtering


You can click around in the explorer to learn more about what exists in your application. For example, clicking on ‘users’ will show you all currently created users within your application. From there, you can click on the id of a particular user to see even more information such as role, online status, banned status, etc.

You can search for and see the details of these resources in the chat explorer:

  • Messages

  • Users

  • Channels

The UI will let you search for certain resources by a specific query parameter. To do this click the magnifying glass icon. The default will typically be a search by id, however, you can change the query parameter by clicking on the filter icon. 

The following resources can be searched:

  • Users (default to id, but can change to username or name)

  • Channels (defaults to id, but can be changed to cid and type)

All searching must be an exact match on the query to return a result. 

Updating existing resources


To update a resource click on the value you wish to update, make the edit and click the enter key to save the changes. When a change is made the interface will flash green to confirm the update:

Not every value within a resource can be updated within the chat explorer. Below is an outline of what is not editable: 

The following values can not be updated on a user:

  • id

  • banned

  • dashboard_ban_channel_cid

  • language

  • role

  • shadow_banned

  • created_at

  • updated_at

The following values can not be updated on a channel:

  • id

  • role

  • created_at

  • updated_at 

  • cid

  • last_message_at 

  • member_count

  • config 

The following values can not be updated on a message:

  • id

  • html

  • user

  • attachments

  • latest_reactions

  • own_reactions

  • reaction_counts

  • reactions _scores

  • reply_count 

  • cid

  • created_at

  • updated_at

  • mentioned_users

  • pinned_at

  • pinned_by

  • pin_expires 

The following values can not be updated for members:

  • id

  • role

  • created_at

  • updated_at

  • last_active 

  • banned 

If you would like to be able to update any of the currently uneditable values for a specific resource please contact 

Creating new resources


To create an entirely new resource, navigate to its type within the explorer and click the ‘+’ icon. This will present you with a modal where you can fill in information for the resource. 

The following resources can all be created within the explorer:

  • Users

  • Channels

  • Members (adding them to a channel)

Deleting Resources


The ability to delete resources is currently under development.