Updating a Channel

There are two ways to update a channel using the Stream API - a partial or full update. A partial update will retain any custom key-value data, whereas a complete update is going to remove any that are unspecified in the API request.

Partial Update

A partial update can be used to set and unset specific fields when it is necessary to retain additional custom data fields on the object. AKA a patch style update.

// Android SDK

// Here's a channel with some custom field data that might be useful
ChannelClient channelClient = client.channel("messaging", "general");

List<String> members = Arrays.asList("thierry", "tommaso");

Map<String, String> channelDetail = new HashMap<>();
channelDetail.put("topic", "Plants and Animals");
channelDetail.put("rating", "pg");

Map<String, Integer> userId = new HashMap<>();
userId.put("user_id", 123);

Map<String, Object> extraData = new HashMap<>();
extraData.put("source", "user");
extraData.put("source_detail", userId);
extraData.put("channel_detail", channelDetail);

channelClient.create(members, extraData).execute();

// let's change the source of this channel
Map<String, Object> setField = Collections.singletonMap("source", "system");
channelClient.updatePartial(setField, emptyList()).execute();

// since it's system generated we no longer need source_detail
List<String> unsetField = Collections.singletonList("source_detail");
channelClient.updatePartial(emptyMap(), unsetField).execute();

// and finally update one of the nested fields in the channel_detail
Map<String, Object> setNestedField = Collections.singletonMap("channel_detail.topic", "Nature");
channelClient.updatePartial(setNestedField, emptyList()).execute();

// and maybe we decide we no longer need a rating
List<String> unsetNestedField = Collections.singletonList("channel_detail.rating");
channelClient.updatePartial(emptyMap(), unsetNestedField).execute();

// Backend SDK
Channel.partialUpdate("messaging", "general")
  .setValue("source", "system")
  .setValue("channel_detail.topic", "Nature")

Full Update (overwrite)

The update function updates all of the channel data. Any data that is present on the channel and not included in a full update will be deleted.

// Android SDK
ChannelClient channelClient = client.channel("messaging", "general");

Map<String, Object> channelData = new HashMap<>();
channelData.put("name", "myspecialchannel");
channelData.put("color", "green");
Message updateMessage = new Message();
updateMessage.setText("Thierry changed the channel color to green");

channelClient.update(updateMessage, channelData).enqueue(result -> {
  if (result.isSuccess()) {
    Channel channel = result.data();
  } else {
    // Handle result.error()

// Backend SDK
MessageRequestObject msg = MessageRequestObject
    .text("Thierry changed the channel color to green")

Channel.update("messaging", "general")
   .additionalField("name", "myspecialchannel")
   .additionalField("color", "green")

Request Params

channel dataobjectObject with the new channel information. One special field is “frozen”. Setting this field to true will freeze the channel. Read more about freezing channels in “Freezing Channels”
textobjectMessage object allowing you to show a system message in the Channel that something changed.Yes

Updating a channel using these methods cannot be used to add or remove members. For this, you must use specific methods for adding/removing members, more information can be found here.

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