// Here's a channel with some custom field data that might be useful
val channelClient = client.channel(channelType = "messaging", channelId = "general")
members = listOf("thierry", "tomasso"),
extraData = mapOf(
"source" to "user",
"source_detail" to mapOf("user_id" to 123),
"channel_detail" to mapOf(
"topic" to "Plants and Animals",
"rating" to "pg"
// let's change the source of this channel
channelClient.updatePartial(set = mapOf("source" to "system")).execute()
// since it's system generated we no longer need source_detail
channelClient.updatePartial(unset = listOf("source_detail")).execute()
// and finally update one of the nested fields in the channel_detail
channelClient.updatePartial(set = mapOf("channel_detail.topic" to "Nature")).execute()
// and maybe we decide we no longer need a rating
channelClient.updatePartial(unset = listOf("channel_detail.rating")).execute()
Updating a Channel
There are two ways to update a channel using the Stream API - a partial or full update. A partial update will retain any custom key-value data, whereas a complete update is going to remove any that are unspecified in the API request.
Partial Update
A partial update can be used to set and unset specific fields when it is necessary to retain additional custom data fields on the object. AKA a patch style update.
// Here's a channel with some custom field data that might be useful
const channel = client.channel(type, id, {
source: "user",
source_detail: { user_id: 123 },
channel_detail: { topic: "Plants and Animals", rating: "pg" },
// let's change the source of this channel
await channel.updatePartial({ set: { source: "system" } });
// since it's system generated we no longer need source_detail
await channel.updatePartial({ unset: ["source_detail"] });
// and finally update one of the nested fields in the channel_detail
await channel.updatePartial({ set: { "channel_detail.topic": "Nature" } });
// and maybe we decide we no longer need a rating
await channel.updatePartial({ unset: ["channel_detail.rating"] });
// Here's a channel with some custom field data that might be useful
var channel = client.channel(type, id: id, extraData: {
"source": "user",
"source_detail" :{ "user_id": 123 },
"channel_detail" :{ "topic": "Plants and Animals", "rating": "pg" }
// let's change the source of this channel
await channel.updatePartial(set: { "source": "system" });
// since it's system generated we no longer need source_detail
await channel.updatePartial(unset: ["source_detail"]);
// and finally update one of the nested fields in the channel_detail
await channel.updatePartial(set: { "channel_detail.topic": "Nature" });
// and maybe we decide we no longer need a rating
await channel.updatePartial(unset: ["channel_detail.rating"]);
# Here's a channel with some custom field data that might be useful
channel = client.channel(type, id , {
"source": "user",
"source_detail":{ "user_id": 123 },
"channel_detail":{ "topic": "Plants and Animals", "rating": "pg" }
# let's change the source of this channel
channel.update_partial(to_set={ "source": "system" });
# since it's system generated we no longer need source_detail
# and finally update one of the nested fields in the channel_detail
channel.update_partial(to_set={ "channel_detail.topic": "Nature" });
# and maybe we decide we no longer need a rating
// Here's a channel with some custom field data that might be useful
$channel = $client->Channel('messaging', 'thierry-jenny',
'channel_detail'=>['topic'=>'Plants and Animals', 'rating'=> 'pg'] ]);
// let's change the source of this channel
$response = $channel->updatePartial(['source' => 'system']);
// since it's system generated we no longer need source_detail
$response = $channel->updatePartial(null,['source_detail']);
// and finally update one of the nested fields in the channel_detail
$response = $channel->updatePartial(['source_detail'=> ['topic' => 'Nature']]);
// and maybe we decide we no longer need a rating
$response = $channel->updatePartial(null,['source_detail'=>'topic']);
// Create a channel with some custom data
var req = new ChannelGetRequest
Data = new ChannelRequest
CreatedBy = new UserRequest { Id = createdByUserId },
req.Data.SetData("source", "user");
req.Data.SetData("source_detail", new Dictionary<string, object> { { "user_id", 123} });
req.Data.SetData("channel_detail", new Dictionary<string, object>
{ "topic", "Plants and Animals"},
{ "rating", "pg" }
var channelResp = await channelClient.GetOrCreateAsync("messaging", "general", req);
// Remove channel detail rating, and set a new source
var req = new PartialUpdateChannelRequest
Unset = new List<string> { "channel_detail.rating" },
Set = new Dictionary<string, object> { { "source", "system" } }
await channelClient.PartialUpdateAsync(channelResp.Channel.Type, channelResp.Channel.Id, req);
// Create a channel with some custom field data that might be useful
FChannelProperties Props = FChannelProperties{Type, Id};
// Set extra data using dynamic JSON. You'd more likely want to use statically typed structs.
Props.ExtraData.SetString(TEXT("source"), TEXT("user"));
const TSharedRef<FJsonObject> SourceDetail = MakeShared<FJsonObject>();
SourceDetail->SetNumberField(TEXT("user_id"), 123);
Props.ExtraData.SetJsonValue(TEXT("source_detail"), MakeShared<FJsonValueObject>(SourceDetail));
const TSharedRef<FJsonObject> ChannelDetail = MakeShared<FJsonObject>();
ChannelDetail->SetStringField(TEXT("topic"), TEXT("Plants and Animals"));
ChannelDetail->SetStringField(TEXT("rating"), TEXT("pg"));
Props.ExtraData.SetJsonValue(TEXT("source_detail"), MakeShared<FJsonValueObject>(ChannelDetail));
[](UChatChannel* Channel)
// let's change the source of this channel
const TSharedRef<FJsonObject> NewSource = MakeShared<FJsonObject>();
NewSource->SetStringField(TEXT("source"), TEXT("system"));
// since it's system generated we no longer need source_detail
Channel->PartialUpdate({}, {TEXT("source_detail")});
// and finally update one of the nested fields in the channel_detail
const TSharedRef<FJsonObject> NewTopic = MakeShared<FJsonObject>();
NewSource->SetStringField(TEXT("channel_detail.topic"), TEXT("Nature"));
// and maybe we decide we no longer need a rating
Channel->PartialUpdate({}, {TEXT("channel_detail.rating")});
resp, err := c.CreateChannel(ctx, "messaging", "general", "thierry", map[string]interface{}{
"source": "user",
"source_detail": map[string]interface{}{"user_id": "123"},
"channel_detail": map[string]interface{}{"topic": "Plants and Animals", "rating": "pg"},
channel := resp.Channel
// let's change the source of this channel
channel.PartialUpdate(ctx, PartialUpdate{
Set: map[string]interface{}{
"source": "system",
// since it's system generated we no longer need source_detail
channel.PartialUpdate(ctx, PartialUpdate{
Unset: []string{"source_detail"},
// and finally update one of the nested fields in the channel_detail
channel.PartialUpdate(ctx, PartialUpdate{
Set: map[string]interface{}{
"channel_detail.topic": "Nature",
// and maybe we decide we no longer need a rating
channel.PartialUpdate(ctx, PartialUpdate{
Unset: []string{"channel_detail.rating"},
# Here's a channel with some custom field data that might be useful
channel = client.channel(type, id , data: {
"source" => "user",
"source_detail" => { "user_id" => 123 },
"channel_detail" => { "topic" => "Plants and Animals", "rating" => "pg" }
# let's change the source of this channel
channel.update_partial({ "source" => "system" });
# since it's system generated we no longer need source_detail
channel.update_partial(nil, ["source_detail"]);
# and finally update one of the nested fields in the channel_detail
channel.update_partial({ "channel_detail.topic" => "Nature" });
# and maybe we decide we no longer need a rating
channel.update_partial(nil, ["channel_detail.rating"]);
public async Task PartialUpdate()
var channel = await Client.GetOrCreateChannelWithIdAsync(ChannelType.Messaging, channelId: "my-channel-id");
var setClanInfo = new ClanData
MaxMembers = 50,
Name = "Wild Boards",
Tags = new List<string>
var setFields = new Dictionary<string, object>();
// Set custom values
setFields.Add("frags", 5);
// Set custom arrays
setFields.Add("items", new[] { "sword", "shield" });
// Set custom class objects
setFields.Add("clan_info", setClanInfo);
// Send data
await channel.UpdatePartialAsync(setFields);
// Data is now available via CustomData property
var frags = channel.CustomData.Get<int>("frags");
var items = channel.CustomData.Get<List<string>>("items");
var clanInfo = channel.CustomData.Get<ClanData>("clan_info");
// Example class with data that you can assign as Channel custom data
private class ClanData
public int MaxMembers;
public string Name;
public List<string> Tags;
// Android SDK
// Here's a channel with some custom field data that might be useful
ChannelClient channelClient = client.channel("messaging", "general");
List<String> members = Arrays.asList("thierry", "tommaso");
Map<String, String> channelDetail = new HashMap<>();
channelDetail.put("topic", "Plants and Animals");
channelDetail.put("rating", "pg");
Map<String, Integer> userId = new HashMap<>();
userId.put("user_id", 123);
Map<String, Object> extraData = new HashMap<>();
extraData.put("source", "user");
extraData.put("source_detail", userId);
extraData.put("channel_detail", channelDetail);
channelClient.create(members, extraData).execute();
// let's change the source of this channel
Map<String, Object> setField = Collections.singletonMap("source", "system");
channelClient.updatePartial(setField, emptyList()).execute();
// since it's system generated we no longer need source_detail
List<String> unsetField = Collections.singletonList("source_detail");
channelClient.updatePartial(emptyMap(), unsetField).execute();
// and finally update one of the nested fields in the channel_detail
Map<String, Object> setNestedField = Collections.singletonMap("channel_detail.topic", "Nature");
channelClient.updatePartial(setNestedField, emptyList()).execute();
// and maybe we decide we no longer need a rating
List<String> unsetNestedField = Collections.singletonList("channel_detail.rating");
channelClient.updatePartial(emptyMap(), unsetNestedField).execute();
// Backend SDK
Channel.partialUpdate("messaging", "general")
.setValue("source", "system")
.setValue("channel_detail.topic", "Nature")
channelController.partialChannelUpdate(extraData: [pinnedKey: true]) { error in
if let error = error {
self.rootViewController.presentAlert(title: "Couldn't pin channel \(cid)", message: "\(error)")
// let's change the source of this channel
channelController.partialChannelUpdate(unsetProperties: ["source_detail"])
// let's change the source of this channel
channelController.partialChannelUpdate(extraData:["source": "system"])
// since it's system generated we no longer need source_detail
channelController.partialChannelUpdate(unsetProperties: ["source_detail"])
// and finally update one of the nested fields in the channel_detail
channelController.partialChannelUpdate(extraData:["channel_detail.topic": "Nature"])
Full Update (overwrite)
The update
function updates all of the channel data. Any data that is present on the channel and not included in a full update will be deleted.
val channelClient = client.channel("messaging", "general")
message = Message(
text = "Thierry changed the channel color to green"
extraData = mapOf(
"name" to "myspecialchannel",
"color" to "green",
).enqueue { result ->
if (result.isSuccess) {
val channel = result.data()
} else {
// Handle result.error()
const update = await channel.update(
name: "myspecialchannel",
color: "green",
{ text: "Thierry changed the channel color to green", user_id: "Thierry" },
await channel.update({
"name": "myspecialchannel",
"color": "green",
}, Message(text: "Thierry changed the channel color to green"));
$update = $channel->update(
'name' => 'myspecialchannel',
'color' => 'green'
'text' => 'Thierry changed the channel color to green',
'user_id' => 'thierry'
import Stream Chat
let controller = chatClient.channelController(for: .init(type: .messaging, id: "general"))
controller.updateChannel(name: "My special channel", imageURL: nil, team: nil, extraData: .defaultValue) { error in
if let error = error {
// handle errors
"name": "myspecialchannel",
"color": "green",
"text": "Thierry changed the channel color to green",
"user_id": "Thierry",
FAdditionalFields Data;
Data.SetString(TEXT("name"), TEXT("myspecialchannel"));
Data.SetString(TEXT("color"), TEXT("green"));
const FMessage Message{TEXT("Thierry changed the channel color to green")};
Channel->Update(Data, Message);
var updatedChannel = new ChannelUpdateRequest { Data = new ChannelRequest() };
updatedChannel.Data.SetData("name", "myspecialchannel");
updatedChannel.Data.SetData("color", "green");
updatedChannel.Message = new MessageRequest { Text = "Thierry changed the channel color to green", UserId = "thierry" }
await channelClient.UpdateAsync(channel.Type, channel.Id, updatedChannel);
channel.Update(ctx, map[string]interface{}{"color": "green"},
Text: "Thierry changed the channel color to green",
User: &User{ID: "thierry"},
"name" => "myspecialchannel",
"color" => "green",
"text" => "Thierry changed the channel color to green",
"user_id" => "Thierry",
var updateRequest = new StreamUpdateOverwriteChannelRequest
Name = "New name",
CustomData = new StreamCustomDataRequest
{"my-custom-int", 12},
{"my-custom-array", new string[]{"one", "two"}}
// This request will have all channel data removed except what is being passed in the request
await channel.UpdateOverwriteAsync(updateRequest);
// You can also pass an instance of channel to the request constructor to have all of the date copied over
// This way you alter only the fields you wish to change
var updateRequest2 = new StreamUpdateOverwriteChannelRequest(channel)
Name = "Brand new name"
// This will update only the name because all other data was copied over
await channel.UpdateOverwriteAsync(updateRequest2);
// Android SDK
ChannelClient channelClient = client.channel("messaging", "general");
Map<String, Object> channelData = new HashMap<>();
channelData.put("name", "myspecialchannel");
channelData.put("color", "green");
Message updateMessage = new Message();
updateMessage.setText("Thierry changed the channel color to green");
channelClient.update(updateMessage, channelData).enqueue(result -> {
if (result.isSuccess()) {
Channel channel = result.data();
} else {
// Handle result.error()
// Backend SDK
MessageRequestObject msg = MessageRequestObject
.text("Thierry changed the channel color to green")
Channel.update("messaging", "general")
.additionalField("name", "myspecialchannel")
.additionalField("color", "green")
Request Params
Name | Type | Description | Optional |
channel data | object | Object with the new channel information. One special field is “frozen”. Setting this field to true will freeze the channel. Read more about freezing channels in “Freezing Channels” | |
text | object | Message object allowing you to show a system message in the Channel that something changed. | Yes |
Updating a channel using these methods cannot be used to add or remove members. For this, you must use specific methods for adding/removing members, more information can be found here.