

This page shows how you can create or update roles for a call type.

Stream has a role-based permission system. Each user has an application-level role, and also channel (chat product) and call (video product) level roles. Every role (be it application or call/channel level) contains a list of capabilities. A capability is an action (for example, create a call). The list of capabilities assigned to a role defines what a user is allowed to do. Call roles are defined on the call type level.

Configuring roles

When you create a call type, you can specify your role configurations. A role configuration consists of a role name and the list of capabilities that are enabled for that role.

When you create a call type, it comes with a default set of configurations. You can override or extend that.

The following example overrides the capabilities of the built-in admin role and defines the customrole.

Please note that for the below code to work, you need to create the customrole beforehand. You can do that in your Stream Dashboard.{
  name: "<call type name>",
  grants: {
    admin: [
    ["customrole"]: [

// or edit a built-in call type{
  name: "default",
  grants: {
    /* ... */

Built-in roles

There are 5 pre-defined call roles, these are:

  • user
  • moderator
  • host
  • admin
  • call-member

You can access the default roles and their capabilities in your Stream Dashboard.


The list of call capabilities that you can include in your role configurations:

  • join-call
  • read-call
  • create-call
  • join-ended-call
  • join-backstage
  • update-call
  • update-call-settings
  • screenshare
  • send-video
  • send-audio
  • start-record-call
  • stop-record-call
  • start-broadcast-call
  • stop-broadcast-call
  • end-call
  • mute-users
  • update-call-permissions
  • block-users
  • create-reaction
  • pin-for-everyone
  • remove-call-member
  • start-transcription-call
  • stop-transcription-call

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