
With geofencing, you can define which edge nodes are utilized for video calls within specific geo-fenced areas. You can set geofences to a call type or specify when creating a new call. Multiple geo-fences can be used at the same time.

At this present, you can only select from a predefined list of geofences:

european_unionThe list of countries that are part of european union
united_statesOnly selects edges in US
canadaOnly selects edges in Canada
united_kingdomOnly selects edges in the United Kingdom
indiaOnly selects edges in India
china_exclusionExcludes edges running in mainland China (currently, Stream edge infrastructure does not have any edge in China)
russia_exclusionExcludes edges running in Russia
belarus_exclusionExcludes edges running in Belarus{
  name: "<call type name>",
  settings: {
    geofencing: {
      names: ["european_union"],

//override settings on call level
  data: {
    created_by_id: "john",
    settings_override: {
      geofencing: {
        names: ["european_union", "united_states"],
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