This is documentation for Stream Chat Flutter SDK v5, which is nolonger actively maintained. For up-to-date documentation, see the latest version (v9).


Version 4.0.0 of the Stream Chat Flutter SDK carries significant architectural changes to improve the developer experience by giving you more control and flexibility in how you use our core components and UI widgets.

This v4.0 Migration Guide is intended to enumerate and better explain the changes in the SDK.

If you find any bugs or have any questions, please file an issue on our GitHub repository. We want to support you as much as we can with this migration.

Code examples:

All of our documentation has also been updated to support v4, so all of the guides and examples will have updated code.


To migrate to v4.0.0, update your pubspec.yaml with the correct Stream chat package you’re using:

	stream_chat_flutter: ^4.0.0 # full UI, core and client packages
	stream_chat_flutter_core: ^4.0.0 # core and client packages
	stream_chat: ^4.0.0 # client package

Name Changes

The majority of the Stream Chat widgets and classes have now been renamed to have a “Stream” prefix associated with them. This increases Stream widgets’ discoverability and avoids name conflicts when importing.

For example, MessageListView is now called StreamMessageListView, and UserAvatar is renamed to StreamUserAvatar.

The old class names are deprecated and will be removed in the next major release (v5.0.0).

See the sections below on “deprecated classes” for a complete list of changes. Some of these classes/widgets have undergone functional changes as well, that will be explore in the following sections.

Removed Functionality/Widgets

This section highlights functionality removed.

Removed Methods And Classes

In version 4 we removed the following deprecated methods and classes:

  • Channel.banUser

  • Channel.unbanUser

  • ClientState.user

  • ClientState.userStream

  • MessageWidget.allRead

  • MessageWidget.readList

  • StreamChat.user

  • StreamChat.userStream

  • StreamChatCore.user

  • StreamChatCore.userStream

These were marked as deprecated in v3.

Video Compression

The automatic video compression when uploading a video has been removed. You can integrate this yourself by manipulating attachments using a custom attachment uploader.

Slidable Channel List Item

The default slidable channel preview behavior has been removed. We have created a guide showing you how you can easily add this functionality yourself.

Slidable demo

Pin Permission

pinPermissions is no longer needed in the MessageListView widget. The permissions are automatically fetched for each Stream project. To enable users to pin the message, make sure the pin permissions are granted for different types of users on your Stream application dashboard.

Deprecated Classes

This section covers all the deprecated classes and widgets in the Stream chat packages. Some of these have also undergone functional changes, for example, MessageInput and ChannelsBloc. These are discussed in more detail below.

The majority of the Stream widgets and classes have now been renamed to have a “Stream” prefix associated with them.


  • AttachmentTitle in favor of StreamAttachmentTitle
  • AttachmentUploadStateBuilder in favor of StreamAttachmentsUploadStateBuilder
  • AttachmentWidget in favor of StreamAttachmentWidget
  • AvatarThemeData in favor of StreamAvatarThemeData
  • ChannelAvatar in favor of StreamChannelAvatar
  • ChannelBottomSheet in favor of StreamChannelInfoBottomSheet
  • ChannelHeader in favor of StreamChannelHeader
  • ChannelHeaderTheme in favor of StreamChannelHeaderTheme
  • ChannelHeaderThemeData in favor of StreamChannelHeaderThemeData
  • ChannelInfo in favor of StreamChannelInfo
  • ChannelListHeader in favor of StreamChannelListHeader
  • ChannelListHeaderTheme in favor of StreamChannelListHeaderTheme
  • ChannelListHeaderThemeData in favor of StreamChannelListHeaderThemeData
  • ChannelListView in favor of StreamChannelListView
  • ChannelListViewTheme in favor of StreamChannelListViewTheme
  • ChannelListViewThemeData in favor of StreamChannelListViewThemeData
  • ChannelListHeader in favor of StreamChannelListHeader
  • ChannelListView in favor of StreamChannelListView
  • ChannelName in favor of StreamChannelName
  • ChannelPreview in favor of StreamChannelListTile
  • ChannelPreviewTheme in favor of StreamChannelPreviewTheme
  • ChannelPreviewThemeData in favor of StreamChannelPreviewThemeData
  • ChannelName in favor of StreamChannelName
  • ColorTheme in favor of StreamColorTheme
  • CommandsOverlay in favor of StreamCommandsOverlay
  • ConnectionStatusBuilder in favor of StreamConnectionStatusBuilder
  • DateDivider in favor of StreamDateDivider
  • DeletedMessage in favor of StreamDeletedMessage
  • EmojiOverlay in favor of StreamEmojiOverlay
  • FileAttachment in favor of StreamFileAttachment
  • FullScreenMedia in favor of StreamFullScreenMedia
  • GalleryFooter in favor of StreamGalleryFooter
  • GalleryFooterThemeData in favor of StreamGalleryFooterThemeData
  • GalleryHeader in favor of StreamGalleryHeader
  • GalleryHeaderTheme in favor of StreamGalleryHeaderTheme
  • GalleryHeaderThemeData in favor of StreamGalleryHeaderThemeData
  • GiphyAttachment in favor of StreamGiphyAttachment
  • GradientAvatar in favor of StreamGradientAvatar
  • GroupAvatar in favor of StreamGroupAvatar
  • ImageAttachment in favor of StreamImageAttachment
  • ImageGroup in favor of StreamImageGroup
  • InfoTile in favor of StreamInfoTile
  • MediaListView in favor of StreamMediaListView
  • MessageAction in favor of StreamMessageAction
  • MessageActionsModal in favor StreamMessageActionsModal
  • MessageInput in favor of StreamMessageInput
  • MessageInputTheme in favor of StreamMessageInputTheme
  • MessageInputThemeData in favor of StreamMessageInputThemeData
  • MessageInputState in favor of StreamMessageInput
  • MessageListView in favor of StreamMessageListView
  • MessageListViewTheme in favor of StreamMessageListViewTheme
  • MessageListViewThemeData in favor of StreamMessageListViewThemeData
  • MessageSearchListView in favor of StreamMessageSearchListView
  • MessageSearchListViewTheme in favor of StreamMessageSearchListViewTheme
  • MessageSearchListViewThemeData in favor of StreamMessageSearchListViewThemeData
  • MessageReactionsModal in favor of StreamMessageReactionsModal
  • MessageSearchItem in favor of StreamMessageSearchItem
  • MessageSearchListView in favor of StreamMessageSearchListView
  • MessageText in favor of StreamMessageText
  • MessageWidget in favor of StreamMessageWidget
  • MessageThemeData in favor of StreamMessageThemeData
  • MultiOverlay in favor of StreamMultiOverlay
  • OptionListTile in favor of StreamOptionListTile
  • QuotedMessageWidget in favor of StreamQuotedMessageWidget
  • ReactionBubble in favor of StreamReactionBubble
  • ReactionIcon in favor of StreamReactionIcon
  • ReactionPicker in favor of StreamReactionPicker
  • SendingIndicator in favor of StreamSendingIndicator
  • SystemMessage in favor of StreamSystemMessage
  • TextTheme in favor of StreamTextTheme
  • ThreadHeader in favor of StreamThreadHeader
  • TypingIndicator in favor of StreamTypingIndicator
  • UnreadIndicator in favor of SteamUnreadIndicator
  • UploadProgressIndicator in favor of StreamUploadProgressIndicator
  • UrlAttachment in favor of StreamUrlAttachment
  • UserAvatar in favor of StreamUserAvatar
  • UserItem in favor of StreamUserItem
  • UserListView in favor of StreamUserListView
  • UserListViewTheme in favor of StreamUserListViewTheme
  • UserListViewThemeData in favor of StreamUserListViewThemeData
  • UserMentionTile in favor of StreamUserMentionTile
  • UserMentionsOverlay in favor of StreamUserMentionsOverlay
  • VideoAttachment in favor of StreamVideoAttachment
  • VideoService in favor of StreamVideoService
  • VideoThumbnailImage in favor of StreamVideoThumbnailImage
  • VisibleFootnote in favor of StreamVisibleFootnote

ChannelListView to StreamChannelListView

The ChannelListView widget has been deprecated, and it is now recommended to use StreamChannelListView.

Version 4 of the Stream Chat Flutter packages introduces a new controller called, StreamChannelListController. This controller manages the content for a channel list; it lets you perform tasks such as:

  • Load initial data.
  • Use channel events handlers.
  • Load more data using loadMore.
  • Replace the previously loaded channels.
  • Return/Create a new channel and start watching it.
  • Pause and Resume all subscriptions added to this composite.

For more information see the StreamChannelListView documentation.

ChannelsBloc to StreamChannelListController

The ChannelsBloc widget should be replaced with StreamChannelListController. This controller provides all the functionality needed to query and manipulate channel data previously accessible through ChannelsBloc.

For more information see the StreamChannelListController documentation.

StreamChannelListView Examples

Let’s explore some examples of the functional differences when using the new StreamChannelListView.

The StreamChannelListController provides various methods, such as:

  • deleteChannel
  • loadMore
  • muteChannel
  • deleteChannel

For a complete list with additional information, see the code documentation.

Basic Use

The following code demonstrates the old way of creating a ChannelListPage, that displays a list of channels:

class ChannelListPage extends StatelessWidget {
  const ChannelListPage({
    Key? key,
  }) : super(key: key);

  // ignore: prefer_expression_function_bodies
  Widget build(BuildContext context) {
    return Scaffold(
      body: ChannelsBloc(
        child: ChannelListView(
          filter: Filter.in_(
          sort: const [SortOption('last_message_at')],
          limit: 20,
          channelWidget: const ChannelPage(),

In v4 this can now be achieved with the following:

class ChannelListPage extends StatefulWidget {
  const ChannelListPage({
    Key? key,
    required this.client,
  }) : super(key: key);

  final StreamChatClient client;

  State<ChannelListPage> createState() => _ChannelListPageState();

class _ChannelListPageState extends State<ChannelListPage> {
  late final _controller = StreamChannelListController(
    client: widget.client,
    filter: Filter.in_(
    channelStateSort: const [SortOption('last_message_at')],

  void dispose() {

  Widget build(BuildContext context) => Scaffold(
        body: RefreshIndicator(
          onRefresh: _controller.refresh,
          child: StreamChannelListView(
            controller: _controller,
            onChannelTap: (channel) => Navigator.push(
                builder: (_) => StreamChannel(
                  channel: channel,
                  child: const ChannelPage(),

As you can see, the ChannelsBloc has been replaced with a StreamChannelListController, where the filter, limit, and sort arguments can be set. The above code also demonstrates how to refresh the channel list by calling _controller.refresh().

MessageSearchListView to StreamMessageSearchListView

The MessageSearchListView widget has been deprecated, and it is now recommended to use StreamMessageSearchListView.

Version 4 of the Stream Chat Flutter packages introduces a new controller called, StreamMessageSearchListController. This controller manages the content when searching for a message; it lets you perform tasks such as:

  • Load initial data.
  • Set filters and search terms.
  • Load more data using loadMore.
  • Refresh data.

For more information see the StreamMessageSearchListView documentation.

MessageSearchBloc to StreamMessageSearchListController

The MessageSearchBloc widget should be replaced with a StreamMessageSearchListController. This controller provides all the functionality needed to query and manipulate message search data previously accessible through MessageSearchBloc.

For more information see the StreamMessageSearchListController documentation.

StreamMessageSearchListView Example

The following code demonstrates the old way of searching for messages:

class SearchExample extends StatelessWidget {
  const SearchExample({
    Key? key,
  }) : super(key: key);

  Widget build(BuildContext context) {
    return MessageSearchBloc(
      child: MessageSearchListView(
        showErrorTile: true,
        messageQuery: 'message query',
        filters: Filter.in_('members', const ['user-id']),
        sortOptions: const [
            direction: SortOption.ASC,
        pullToRefresh: false,
        limit: 30,
        emptyBuilder: (context) => const Text('Nothing to show'),
				itemBuilder: (context, messageResponse) {
					/// Return widget
        onItemTap: (messageResponse) {
          /// Handle on tap

In v4, this can now be achieved with the following:

class SearchExample extends StatefulWidget {
  const SearchExample({
    Key? key,
  }) : super(key: key);

  State<SearchExample> createState() => _SearchExampleState();

class _SearchExampleState extends State<SearchExample> {
  late final StreamMessageSearchListController _messageSearchListController =
    client: StreamChat.of(context).client,
    filter: Filter.in_('members', [StreamChat.of(context).currentUser!.id]),
    limit: 5,
    searchQuery: '',
    sort: [
      const SortOption(
        direction: SortOption.ASC,

	search() {
    _messageSearchListController.searchQuery = 'search-value';

  dispose() {

  Widget build(BuildContext context) {
    return StreamMessageSearchListView(
        controller: _messageSearchListController,
        emptyBuilder: (context) => const Text('Nothing to show'),
        itemBuilder: (
        ) {
          return defaultWidget.copyWith(); // modify default widget

UserListView to StreamUserListView

The UserListView widget has been deprecated, and it is now recommended to use StreamUserListView.

Version 4 of the Stream Chat Flutter packages introduces a new controller called, StreamUserListController. This controller manages the content when retrieving Stream users; it let’s you perform tasks, such as:

  • Load data.
  • Set filters.
  • Refresh data.

For more information see the StreamUserListView documentation.

UsersBloc to StreamUserListController

The UsersBloc widget should be replaced with a StreamUserListController. This controller provides all the functionality needed to query and manipulate user data previously accessible through UsersBloc.

For more information see the StreamUserListController documentation.

StreamUserListView Example

The following code demonstrates the old way of displaying all users:

class UsersExample extends StatelessWidget {
  const UsersExample({
    Key? key,
  }) : super(key: key);

  Widget build(BuildContext context) {
    return UsersBloc(
      child: UserListView(
        groupAlphabetically: true,
        onUserTap: (user, _) {
          /// Handle on tap
        limit: 25,
        filter: Filter.and([
          Filter.autoComplete('name', 'some-name'),
          Filter.notEqual('id', StreamChat.of(context).currentUser!.id),
        sort: const [
            direction: 1,

In v4, this can now be achieved with the following:

class UsersExample extends StatefulWidget {
  const UsersExample({
    Key? key,
  }) : super(key: key);

  State<UsersExample> createState() => _UsersExampleState();

class _UsersExampleState extends State<UsersExample> {
  late final userListController = StreamUserListController(
    client: StreamChat.of(context).client,
    limit: 25,
    filter: Filter.and([
      Filter.notEqual('id', StreamChat.of(context).currentUser!.id),
    sort: [
      const SortOption(
        direction: 1,

  void _load() {
    userListController.filter = Filter.and([
      Filter.autoComplete('name', 'some-name'),
      Filter.notEqual('id', StreamChat.of(context).currentUser!.id),

  dispose() {

  Widget build(BuildContext context) {
    return StreamUserListView(
      controller: userListController,
      onUserTap: (user) {
        /// Handle on tap
      emptyBuilder: (context) => const Text('Nothing to show'),
      itemBuilder: (
      ) {
        return defaultWidget.copyWith(); // modify default widget

MessageInput to StreamMessageInput

The MessageInput widget has been deprecated, and it is now recommended to use StreamMessageInput.

Version 4 of the Stream Chat Flutter packages introduces a new controller called, MessageInputController. This controller maintains the state of the message input and exposes various methods to allow you to customize and manipulate the underlying Message value.

Creating a separate controller allows easier control over the message input content by moving logic out of the deprecated MessageInput and into the controller. This controller can then be created, managed, and exposed in whatever way you like.

The widget is also separated into smaller components: StreamCountDownButton, StreamAttachmentPicker, etc.

❗The MessageInputController is exposed by the stream_chat_flutter_core package. This allows you to use the controller even if you’re not using the UI components.

As a result of this extra control, it is no longer needed for the new StreamMessageInput widget to expose these MessageInput arguments:

  • parentMessage: parent message in case of a thread
  • editMessage: message to edit
  • initialMessage: message to start with
  • quotedMessage: message to quote/reply
  • onQuotedMessageCleared: callback for clearing quoted message
  • textEditingController: the text controller of the text field

The following arguments are newly introduced to the StreamMessageInput, and are not available on the old MessageInput:

  • messageInputController: the controller for the message input
  • attachmentsPickerBuilder: builder for bottom sheet when attachment picker is opened
  • sendButtonBuilder: builder for creating send button
  • validator: a callback function that validates the message
  • restorationId: restoration ID to save and restore the state of the MessageInput
  • enableSafeArea: wraps the StreamMessageInput widget with a SafeArea widget
  • elevation: elevation of the StreamMessageInput widget
  • shadow: Shadow for the StreamMessageInput widget

For more information see the StreamMessageInput documentation.

StreamMessageInput Examples

Let’s explore some examples of the functional differences when using the new StreamMessageInput.

Basic Use

Unless you want to programmatically manipulate the value of the message input, then there is no difference in how you would use the message input widget.

The following code demonstrates the old way of creating a ChannelPage widget that displays a chat screen:

class ChannelPage extends StatelessWidget {
  const ChannelPage({
    Key? key,
  }) : super(key: key);

  Widget build(BuildContext context) {
    return Scaffold(
      appBar: const ChannelHeader(),
      body: Column(
        children: const <Widget>[
            child: MessageListView(),

In v4 this is the same, the only difference being that all the Stream widgets are now prefixed with Stream. For example, MessageListView becomes StreamMessageListView, and so forth.

class ChannelPage extends StatelessWidget {
  const ChannelPage({
    Key? key,
  }) : super(key: key);

  Widget build(BuildContext context) => Scaffold(
        appBar: const StreamChannelHeader(),
        body: Column(
          children: const <Widget>[
              child: StreamMessageListView(),

However, you can optionally pass in a MessageInputController in the StreamMessageInput, which gives extra control over the message input value.

Thread Page

The following code demonstrates the old way of creating a thread page:

class ThreadPage extends StatelessWidget {
  const ThreadPage({
    Key? key,
  }) : super(key: key);

  final Message? parent;

  Widget build(BuildContext context) {
    return Scaffold(
      appBar: ThreadHeader(
        parent: parent!,
      body: Column(
        children: <Widget>[
            child: MessageListView(
              parentMessage: parent,
            parentMessage: parent,

In v4 the only difference is the Stream prefix and the way that the parent message is passed to the message input:

class ThreadPage extends StatelessWidget {
  const ThreadPage({
    Key? key,
  }) : super(key: key);

  final Message? parent;

  Widget build(BuildContext context) {
    return Scaffold(
      appBar: StreamThreadHeader(
        parent: parent!,
      body: Column(
        children: <Widget>[
            child: StreamMessageListView(
              parentMessage: parent,
            messageInputController: MessageInputController(
              message: Message(parentId: parent!.id),

To send a thread message, you need to specify the message’s parent ID for which you’re creating a thread.

Reply/Quote Message

The following code demonstrates the old way of replying to a message:


void _reply(Message message) {
  setState(() => _quotedMessage = message);


	quotedMessage: _quotedMessage,
  onQuotedMessageCleared: () {
    setState(() => _quotedMessage = null);

To reply to a message in v4:


void _reply(Message message) {
  _messageInputController.quotedMessage = message;


  messageInputController: _messageInputController,

The controller makes it much simpler to dynamically modify the message input.

Stream Chat Flutter Core

Various changes have been made to the Core package, most notably, the introduction of all of the controllers mentioned above.

These controllers replace the business logic implementations (Bloc). Please note that this is not related to the well-known Flutter Bloc package, but instead refers to the naming we used for our business logic components.

In this version we’re introducing controllers in place of their bloc counterparts: StreamChannelListController in favor of ChannelsBlocStreamMessageSearchListController in favor of MessageSearchBlocStreamUserListController in favor of UsersBloc

The Bloc components are deprecated in v4.0.0 but can still be used. They will be removed in the next major release (v5.0.0).

Additionally, we also now have the StreamMessageInputController, as discussed above. This can be used outside of our UI package as well.

Finally, the following Core builders are also deprecated as their functionality can be replaced using their controller counterparts:

  • ChannelListCore
  • MessageSearchListCore
  • UserListCore
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