This is documentation for the release candidate Stream Chat Angular SDK v6. For the latest stable version, see the latest version (v5).

Message interactions

Users can interact with the messages in the message list. The following table provides a list of possible interactions together with the necessary capabilities and the corresponding components:

DescriptionNecessary channel capabilityComponent
Flags the given messageflag-messageMessageActionsBox
Edits a message that belongs to the userupdate-own-message or update-any-messageMessageActionsBox
Edits any messageupdate-any-messageMessageActionsBox
Deletes a message that belongs to the userdelete-own-message or delete-any-messageMessageActionsBox
Deletes any messagedelete-any-messageMessageActionsBox
Send reaction to a messagesend-reactionMessageReactionsSelector
Receive read eventsread-eventsMessage
Reply to a message in a threadsend-replyMessageActionsBox
Quote reply to a messagequote-messageMessageActionsBox
Mark a message as unreadread-eventsMessageActionsBox
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