User Credential-Based Authentication (UCBA)

Most online applications utilize a traditional approach to identify users with their emails, usernames, or passwords during the login process. This mechanism is called User Credential-Based Authentication.

What is UCBA?

User Credential-Based Authentication involves using a third-party authentication service to ensure client and server authentication. It verifies and validates the user's identity against the provided credentials during login.

How does UCBA Work?

During a user log-in, UCBA matches the user-provided credentials against a data storage. Access is granted if a match exists for the credentials like user name, API key, password, or token. A typical operational flow of UCBA is summarized as follows.

  • Credential entry: Users provide their username, password, or token to the system.
  • The system transfers the credential to a server for verification.
  • The server checks the provided user credentials against what is in the records or database.
  • Based on the server's verification results, access is granted or denied.

Benefits of UCBA

  • It helps to secure user accounts from unauthorized use.
  • It simplifies the user account login process with familiar credentials.
  • It allows seamless integration with third-party authentication services.

Application Areas of UCBA

  • In video conferencing, for example, UCBA can be used to authenticate and authorize users to access calls.
  • VoIP applications like Zoom, Skype, and Google Meet use password and user token authentication to let people access group calls and conversations.

Frequently Asked Questions

How can UCBA's authentication be improved?

A two-step or Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA) can make user credential-based authentication more secure.

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