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Customizing UI Components

Component Lifecycle Methods

To make subclassing and customization simple, almost all view components in StreamChatUI has the following set of overridable lifecycle methods:

/// Main point of customization for the view functionality.
/// **It's called zero or one time during the view's lifetime.** Calling super implementation is required.
func setUp()

/// Main point of customization for the view appearance.
/// **It's called multiple times during the view's lifetime.** The default implementation of this method is empty
/// so calling `super` is usually not needed.
func setUpAppearance()

/// Main point of customization for the view layout.
/// **It's called zero or one time during the view's lifetime.** Calling super is recommended but not required
/// if you provide a complete layout for all subviews.
func setUpLayout()

/// Main point of customizing the way the view updates its content.
/// **It's called every time view's content changes.** Calling super is recommended but not required if you update
/// the content of all subviews of the view.
func updateContent()

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