
Enrichment of Collection Entries

Objects stored inside collections can be embedded inside activities or user objects. This allows you to integrate with Stream without building a complex integration with another database. Stream’s collections can be used as your data source for data enrichment.

# first we add our object to the food collection
cheese_burger = client.collections.add(
  :data => {
    :name => "Cheese Burger",
    :ingredients => ["cheese", "burger", "bread", "lettuce", "tomato"],

# then we embed a reference to the entry we created before
  :actor => "jim",
  :verb => "grill",
  :object => client.collections.create_reference(
    "food", cheese_burger["id"]

# if we now read the feed, the activity we just added will include the entire full object
user_feed.get(:enrich => true)
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