Batch Methods

Batch Add Activities

Multiple activities can be added with a single batch operation. This is very convenient when importing data to Stream.

Activity[] activities = new Activity[]{


activitieslistThe list of activities to be added (as specified in Adding Activities)-

Activity IDs

The API will return a response with a list containing the activity ids.

If you are importing your data for the first time, we suggest you create the follow-relationships after the activity import.

Batch Activity Add

This method allows you to add a single activity to multiple feeds with one API request.

Batch Activity Add has a limit of 5000 target feeds. Requests that exceed this limit will return an error.

TO field targeting is not permitted via this endpoint. Attempting to add activities with a ‘to’ property will result in an error response.

// adds 1 activity to many feeds in one request
activity = Activity.builder()
FeedID[] feeds = new FeedID[]{
    new FeedID("timeline", "1"),
    new FeedID("timeline", "2"),
    new FeedID("timeline", "3"),
    new FeedID("timeline", "4")
client.batch().addToMany(activity, feeds).join();


feedslistThe list of a feeds e.g. [‘user:1’, ‘timeline:2’]
activityobjectThe activity object (see Feed endpoint for reference)

Activities added using this method are not propagated to followers. That is, any other Feeds that follow the Feed(s) listed in the API call will not receive the new Activity.

Even if real-time is enabled, for this endpoint it is disabled by default since it’s mainly for backend processing which shouldn’t create noise for users. If you want to enable it, please send a request to support with your app id.

Batch get Activities by ID

Activities can be retrieved by IDs or foreign ID and time.

// retrieve two activities by ID
client.batch().getActivitiesByID("01b3c1dd-e7ab-4649-b5b3-b4371d8f7045", "ed2837a6-0a3b-4679-adc1-778a1704852").join();

// retrieve two activities by foreign ID and timestamp
client.batch().getActivitiesByForeignID(new ForeignIDTimePair("foreignID1", new Date()), new ForeignIDTimePair("foreignID2", new Date())).join();

Combining ID and foreign ID + time parameters is not allowed.


idsstringThe comma-separated list of activity IDs to retrieve-
foreign_id_timeslistThe list of foreign_id and time values used to retrieve activities-
reactions.ownbooleanInclude reactions added by current user to all activities-
reactions.recentbooleanInclude recent reactions to activities-
reaction.countsbooleanInclude reaction counts to activities-

The number of activities that can be retrieved with a single request is limited to 100.

When using this endpoint server side you must include the user_id parameter for the own reactions to properly populated.

Batch Follow

Stream’s Follow Many functionality gives you a fast method to follow many feeds in one go. This is convenient when importing data or on-boarding new users.

Follow Many has a limit of 2,500 follows per request.

Follow Many has a total request size limit of 128kb, in case you reach it we recommended to split the request in 2.

activity_copy_limit can be specified to copy specific number of activities. By default, it’s 100 such that upon follow 100 activities from the followed feed will be seen in our feed.

// Batch following many feeds
// Let timeline:1 will follow user:1, user:2 and user:3
FollowRelation[] follows = new FollowRelation[]{
    new FollowRelation("timeline:1", "user:1"),
    new FollowRelation("timeline:3", "user:2"),
    new FollowRelation("timeline:1", "user:3")
// copy only the last 10 activities from every feed
client.batch().followMany(10, follows).join();

This method can only be used server-side.

Note that the follow relationships will be processed in the background asynchronously so they wont show up immediately.


The Batch Follow API does not return response data.

Batch Unfollow

Unfollow Many enables you to unfollow many feeds in bulk. However, its implementation is heavy. That’s why its usage restricted to Enterprise accounts. While unfollowing, history can be kept by keep_history. It’s false by default. When unfollow is done, any activities that come from unfollowed feed will be removed but if the flag is set, then this history will remain.

Unfollow Many has a limit of 250 unfollows per request.

// Batch unfollowing many feeds
// Let timeline:1 will follow user:1, user:2 and user:3

const unfollows = [
  { source: "timeline:1", target: "user:1" },
  { source: "timeline:1", target: "user:2" },
  { source: "timeline:1", target: "user:3", keep_history: true },

await client.unfollowMany(unfollows);

The Batch Unfollow API does not return response data. An error is returned on wrong input.

Batch update TO targets

Allows you to update the TO targets of multiple activities in a feed at once, up to a max of 100 activities per call.

feed, err := client.FlatFeed("user", "1")
	if err != nil {

	reqs := []stream.UpdateToTargetsRequest{
			ForeignID: "foreignID-0",
			Time:   stream.Time{},
			Opts: []stream.UpdateToTargetsOption{
				stream.WithToTargetsAdd("foo:bar", "baz:qux"),
			ForeignID: "foreignID-1",
			Time:   stream.Time{},
			Opts: []stream.UpdateToTargetsOption{
				stream.WithToTargetsAdd("foo:bar", "baz:qux"),

	resp, err := feed.BatchUpdateToTargets(context.Background(), reqs)
	if err != nil {

Currently only available in the Go SDK, if you need support for your SDK please contact support.

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