API Error Responses
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Below you can find the complete list of errors that are returned by the API together with the description, API code, and corresponding HTTP status of each error.
Name | HTTP Status Code | HTTP Status | Stream Code | Description |
Pagination Error | 400 | Bad Request | 4 | Pagination error |
Input Error | 400 | Bad Request | 4 | There is an error with the user input data |
Feed Config Error | 400 | Bad Request | 6 | Missing or misconfigured feed |
Missing User Error | 400 | Bad Request | 10 | Missing user in request payload |
Ranking Error | 400 | Bad Request | 11 | Triggered when there is an issue with ranking the feed |
Missing Ranking Error | 400 | Bad Request | 12 | The ranking isn't configured for the given feed |
Missing Activity Error | 400 | Bad Request | 13 | The activity doesn't exist |
Aggregation Error | 400 | Bad Request | 14 | The aggregation format isn't correct |
Access Key Error | 401 | Unauthorized | 2 | Triggered when the API key is invalid |
Signature Error | 401 | Unauthorized | 3 | The payload signature is invalid |
Authentication Failed Error | 401 | Unauthorized | 3 | Authentication failed |
App Suspended Error | 401 | Unauthorized | 7 | The app is suspended |
Not Allowed Error | 403 | Forbidden | 17 | Requested action is not allowed |
Does Not Exist Error | 404 | Not Found | 16 | Resource not found |
Method Not Allowed Error | 405 | Method Not Allowed | 17 | The requested method is not allowed |
Conflict Error | 409 | Conflict | 22 | There is a conflict (e,g. when trying to create an existing resource) |
Input Error Body Size Exceeded Error | 413 | Request Entity Too Large | 18 | Input body size limit exceeded |
Rate Limit Error | 429 | Too Many Requests | 9 | Rate Limit Reached |
Internal System Error | 500 | Internal Server Error | -1 | Triggered when something goes wrong in our system |