Flutter Video Calling Tutorial

In this tutorial, we will look at building a real-time video calling application in Flutter using the Stream Video Flutter SDK.

In this tutorial, we will learn how to build a video calling app similar to Google Meet or Zoom using Stream's Video Calling API.

  • Calls run on Stream's global edge network for optimal latency & reliability.
  • Permissions give you fine-grained control over who can do what.
  • Video quality and codecs are automatically optimized.
  • Powered by Stream's Video Calling API.
  • UI components are fully customizable, as demonstrated in the Flutter Video Cookbook.

Step 1 - Creating a new Flutter project

To begin developing your video calling app, you need to create a new Flutter project. If you do not have Flutter or an IDE configured to work with it, we highly recommend following the Install and Set up an editor steps from the official documentation.

Please make sure you are using the latest version of Flutter from the stable channel:

Now, open your IDE and start a new Flutter application. For this tutorial, we are choosing to call it 'video_calling_tutorial'. If you are using Android Studio (recommended) make sure to create the project as a Flutter application and keep all default settings.

Create Flutter Project

You can also create a new project using this command

The next step is to add Stream Video to your dependencies, to do that just open pubspec.yaml and add it inside the dependencies section.

Stream has several packages that you can use to integrate video into your application.

In this tutorial, we will use the stream_video_flutter package which contains pre-built UI elements for you to use.

You can also use the stream_video package directly if you need direct access to the low-level client.

The stream_video_push_notification package helps in adding push notifications and an end-to-end call flow (CallKit).

Step 2 - Initialising Stream Video

To start adding the SDK to your app, initialise the Stream Video SDK with a user:

⚠️ You do not need to cache the client using state management - access the client anywhere using StreamVideo.instance

To actually run this sample we need a valid user token. The user token is typically generated by your server side API. When a user logs in to your app you return the user token that gives them access to the call. To make this tutorial easier to follow we'll generate a user token for you:

Please update REPLACE_WITH_API_KEY, REPLACE_WITH_USER_ID, REPLACE_WITH_TOKEN, and REPLACE_WITH_CALL_ID (seen later) with the actual values shown below:

Here are credentials to try out the app with:

API KeyWaiting for an API key ...
Token Token is generated ...
User IDLoading ...
Call IDCreating random call ID ...
For testing you can join the call on our web-app: Join Call

Your user is now connected.

Before you go ahead, you need to add the required permissions for video calling to your app.

In your AndroidManifest.xml file, add these permissions:

For the corresponding iOS permissions, open the Info.plist file and add:

Step 3 - Setting up a call

Now that the dependencies, permissions, and initialisations are set, we can get onto creating a call.

Let's create a simple screen with a button that joins a call:

To instantiate a call, you can use the StreamVideo.makeCall() method. You then need to create this on the backend using the call.getOrCreate() method.

Once this call is created, you can navigate to the call screen which is created in the next section.

Here is how that looks in code:

The UI as of the moment is a simple button on the screen:

Home Screen UI

You have created a Stream Video call. Let's set up the call screen UI so that the user can see other users and interact.

Step 4 - Setting up the call UI

To set up a call screen, set up a new file named 'call_screen.dart' and create a new widget to handle the call screen:

In this widget, we take the call we created previously as a parameter.

In the build() method, we use the StreamCallContainer widget - a widget made by the Stream team to make it easy to build video calls:

And that's... pretty much it.

Once you navigate to the CallScreen after the button press, this is what you will be greeted with:

Call Screen UI

⚠️ When connecting other users, you can use the same process. The call.getOrCreate() method will create a call if it doesn't exist, and simply return the existing call if it already does.

Customising the StreamCallContainer

To customise any aspect of the call screen made previously, you can use the CallContentBuilder parameter of the StreamCallContainer.

For example, if you want to add your own call controls to the call, you can do it using the callControlsBuilder:

When building Whatsapp/Telegram style calling, you need to add incoming and outgoing screens to the app. The StreamCallContainer also has these screens inbuilt and allows you to change these using the incomingCallBuilder and outgoingCallBuilder.

For more about building these kinds of applications, check out our ringing guide.


Please do let us know if you ran into any issues while building an video calling app with Flutter. Our team is also happy to review your UI designs and offer recommendations on how to achieve it with Stream.

To recap what we've learned:

  • You setup a call: (var call = streamVideo.makeCall(callType: StreamCallType(), id: 'demo-call-123')).
  • The call type ("default" in the above case) controls which features are enabled and how permissions are setup.
  • When you join a call, realtime communication is setup for audio & video calling: (call.join()).
  • Published objects in call.state and call.state.value.callParticipants make it easy to build your own UI.
  • VideoRenderer is the low level component that renders video.
  • We've used Stream's Video Calling API, which means calls run on a global edge network of video servers. By being closer to your users the latency and reliability of calls are better. The Flutter SDK enables you to build in-app video calling, audio rooms and livestreaming in days.

We hope you've enjoyed this tutorial and please do feel free to reach out if you have any suggestions or questions.

Final Thoughts

In this video app tutorial we built a fully functioning Flutter messaging app with our Flutter SDK component library. We also showed how easy it is to customize the behavior and the style of the Flutter video app components with minimal code changes.

Both the video SDK for Flutter and the API have plenty more features available to support more advanced use-cases.

Give us Feedback!

Did you find this tutorial helpful in getting you up and running with Flutter for adding video to your project? Either good or bad, we’re looking for your honest feedback so we can improve.

Next Steps

Create your free Stream account to start building with our Video & Audio SDKs, or contact our team if you have additional questions.

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