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Speaking while muted

It's a UI best practice to show some visual feedback when the user is speaking while muted. You can observe the state for this in call.state.speakingWhileMuted.

Custom Speaking while muted Component

Our speaking-while-muted notification component will be based on simple principle of reading the isSpeakingWhileMuted state of the currently selected mic. The UI will be rendered only, when isSpeakingWhileMuted is set to true.

This can be derived from useMicrophoneState hook available in useCallStateHooks.

Preview of the Speaking While Muted notification component

import { useCallStateHooks } from '@stream-io/video-react-sdk';

export const SpeakingWhileMutedNotification = () => {
const { useMicrophoneState } = useCallStateHooks();
const { isSpeakingWhileMuted } = useMicrophoneState();

if (!isSpeakingWhileMuted) return null;
return <Text>You are muted. Unmute to speak.</Text>;

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