This is documentation for Stream Chat React Native SDK v4, which is nolonger actively maintained. For up-to-date documentation, see the latest version (v6).


Chat provides the ChatContext, TranslationContext, and ThemeContext to its child components. Chat is the second highest level component in the Stream Chat for React Native library with only the OverlyProvider at a higher level. Chat is also responsible for tracking the health of the WebSocket connection with Stream Chat server. The value isOnline provided by the ChatContext indicates the status of the connection.

Basic Usage

Chat should be rendered inside of the OverlayProvider and if you choose can be implemented at a high level of your application, similar to the OverlayProvider.

import { StreamChat } from "stream-chat";
import { ChannelList, Chat, OverlayProvider } from "stream-chat-react-native";

const client = StreamChat.getInstance("api_key");

export const App = () => (
    <Chat client={client}>
      <ChannelList />

Context Providers

Chat contains providers for the ChatContext, ThemeContext, and TranslationContext. These can be accessed using the corresponding hooks.




Instance of StreamChat client.


When set to false the WebSocket connection won’t disconnect when sending the app to the background. To receive push notifications it’s necessary that user doesn’t have an active WebSocket connection. By default the WebSocket connection is disconnected when the app goes to the background, and reconnects when app comes to the foreground.



Instance of Streami18n class used for internationalization. Please read more in the translations docs for details on creation and customization.


A theme object to customize the styles of SDK components. Detailed information on theming can be found in the customization documentation.

Themes are inherited from parent providers. A theme provided to the OverlayProvider will be the base theme style is merged into. Themes are not hoisted though, therefore a theme provided to Chat will not change overlay components such as the attachment picker.

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